• sara reads the feed

    Reacquainting with myself, Hollywood hollywouldn’t, how to milk your amphibian

    I keep telling myself to stop publicly posting about this whole leg of my sobriety journey because it is not interesting. Yet here we are, and here I intend to remain.

    I don’t know what’s causing my mood disturbances right now. But I am disturbed in a way I haven’t been for many years. They say that heavy cannabis users may continue experiencing withdrawal effects for about a year. It could be that. It could be my attempt to curtail caffeine, which is a grumpy experience. It could be the gaba/l-theanine I’m using to sleep. It could be PMS. It could be bog-standard autism meltdowns.

    I never really had a full picture of what was happening to me. Therapists and psychiatrists haven’t been entirely helpful. There are reasons I ended up self-medicating with, like, everything on the planet. But there are also reasons I stopped all that.

    I do miss the version of me that didn’t have many emotions, when I was very stoned. I liked the numbness. Obviously! It’s hard and scary when I melt down. I can miss it, but not want it. I’ve learned too much to want it again, for better or worse. The exciting self-medicating part of my life has ended. Now it’s just me with my miswired brain, and I’m raw-dogging this shit.

    The helpful thoughts that I have now that I’m older and not using Substances:

    This is going to pass, sooner rather than later.

    These feelings are just feelings.

    Wherever I am in the moment is where I am in the moment.

    The latter point is an extension of things I’ve been learning while reading about Buddhism. Thinking about tanha, desire, and the desire to be rid of whatever meltdown I’m in, the desire to be different — that is one source of dukkha, suffering. It’s also a reminder to root myself where I am and utilize grounding techniques I learned in IOP.

    To some extent, I am trying to accept this is how I’ve always worked. This is my werewolf, my demon, my Lady Hyde. I haven’t seen her in a while. She is scary and familiar. Hey there, girly-girl. Weirdly, I kinda missed you.


    The whole Netflix games thing is still weird, but it is going to bring Hades natively to iOS on March 19th (Engadget), so I’m pretty pumped about that. It’ll be a good format for it.


    Anna Marie Tendler has a memoir coming out in August, and it sounds relatable (Variety). I’ll be there.


    I always have the urge to snark about projects like this, which seem ill-advised at best and a grievous misuse of resources in a struggling society at worst, but I’m honestly pretty neutral about efforts to bring back woolly mammoths (NPR). The end game might strike me as silly, but hopefully we learn useful stuff from it.


    Doctors aren’t allowed to participate in lethal injections, so a lot of the people who do it are simply those with related experience, like EMTs and nurses. In some states, they are volunteers. (NPR)


    Here’s an interesting Ars Technica about the evolution of a firefly’s glow, which comes from something called luciferase. I wanted to try to summarize it, but I don’t really understand it, and scientists don’t entirely understand it yet either. Still kinda cool to think about though.


    The FDA has approved its first OTC continuous glucose monitor. (Engadget) I already predict it will be used by a lot of people who follow ketogenic and low-carb diets as part of their eating disorder. For my part, I seem to have reactive hypoglycemia as a side-effect of my SSRIs (which I was told by a dietician at IOP a couple years back), and I really want one of these so I can (hopefully) be warned the drop is coming before I’m feeling like hell. It needs replacement every couple weeks, so I hope it’s affordable.

    I do a finger stick test if I want to verify why I feel horrible — usually while eating something to bring up my sugars again — but I feel *so* *terrible* in these situations, it would be nice if the thingy just did it for me.


    The climate crisis has already been here for a while, and in many ways that American denialists just don’t see. Here’s an AJE article about how climate change is impacting Malaysian fishers.


    Vinnie Jones refused to play Juggernaut again unless they paid him much better, and Hollywouldn’t pay him (ba dum tss), so there we are. (Variety) He’s not the only Actually Good Actor who has been deeply disappointed by their brush with modern superhero cinema. It’s a shame: Jones is not just a good actor, but a great fit for Juggernaut. I can’t think of one better tbh. Pay actors what they deserve! Stop making movies by committee!


    I’ve pretty much only heard negative reactions to the live action Avatar: The Last Airbender remake, but Netflix’s numbers have deemed it worthy of renewal anyway. (Reactor, formerly Tor dot Com) The cast is adorable so I guess I’m glad they’re getting more work.

    Tangentially, I’m really reluctant to share Reactor articles when Tor, the publisher, is using AI covers. It’s just like…the world is such garbage and they’re not a place to hide out from it. Reactor can try to disassociate but the north remembers. Or something like that.


    Frostpunk 2 is coming out in June. Maybe I’ll actually play more than the one campaign in Frostpunk 1 someday? Hahahaha just kidding, it’s one of those games I love where I will only ever play about 5% of the content. I’ll buy the sequel to support them, though.


    Researchers found an amphibian that makes milk. Sounds tasty already! (NPR) Slurp slurp.

  • credit: Apple and Universal Pictures
    movie reviews

    Movie Review: Argylle (2024) ***

    Argylle is a movie about a red-haired genre fiction author with a cat and a big ol’ booty getting entangled with the spies she writes about. Think Romancing the Stone meets Kingsman: The Secret Service, which is the easiest and most accurate comparison because both Kingsman and Argylle are Matthew Vaughn movies.

    I can’t tell you that Argylle is a good movie because I don’t think it is, but I enjoyed it thoroughly. I was convinced from the trailer that Argylle was made for me. And it was. I loved Kingsman 1&2, and I too am a dump trucked sometimes-redheaded author of genre fiction who loves cats.

    But Argylle was “for me” in ways I didn’t expect, too. By the time the over-wrought ending comes around with peak terribad CGI and an “okay, is it over now?” aroma, Matthew Vaughn is dangling genderfuckery and gay subtext over my head like a cat toy. I get it Matthew Vaughn! We’re both disaster bisexuals who want to be topped by Bryce Dallas Howard! gawd.

    This is another outing for Samuel L. Jackson, who appears to be spending his recent career years doing Only Movies Where He Can Fuck Off and Enjoy Himself. He has a spectacularly shallow role in the plot, along with other Vaughn-bff Sofia Boutella, playing her minor part in the disaster bisexuality of it all. And there are cameos from Ariana DeBose playing a lesbian in CGI locations.

    Catherine O’Hara plays Moira from Schitt’s Creek, Bryan Cranston plays a real ~daddy~, and nobody here was working all that hard but they’re kinda too amazing to suck anyway.

    I’m convinced there is a clause in Sam Rockwell’s contract that allows him to *always* do his fancy footwork dancing. He radiates Husband Who Doesn’t Wear the Pants vibes, so I like him a lot, except for the part where his character doesn’t like cats. That’s not negotiable.

    But mostly I’m here for Bryce Dallas Howard, my wife, boobular and asstastic, serving up size-12 action movie doe eyes. The thirst is so, so strong. She looks good in every look. I want her to destroy me.

    I guess Henry Cavill is there too.

    You’ll guess the twist in the first twenty minutes if you don’t already know it, and the plot really labors over spy twist after spy twist, and somehow I enjoy the whole thing. Every twist *feels* pointless and shallow, but they’re also clearly tropes that gives Matthew Vaughn a raging stiff Vaughner, and it works on me too.

    You know how I talk about some movies being intended to push buttons exclusively? Like when directors just make something because the idea is so hot to them, they don’t care if it actually works on any other level? Well, Argylle (and I suppose Kingsman) is this for Matthew Vaughn, and it’s fully this for me. It kickpunches every last spy fetish button I have and slips in some genderfuck to make sure I’m left drooling for fanfic. (There’s barely any fanfic! Guess I’m gonna be writing a spy romance.)

    I highly recommend this movie to people like me, who don’t mind that the whole thing looks like one of those old CD-ROM games where people were filmed in front of green screens and plastered over 90s pixel art, who are very gay, who like spy movies. So I guess basically I recommend this for people who liked Tenet too.

    (image credit: Apple and Universal Pictures)

  • sara reads the feed

    more fuzzy head complaining, rats in EA & warehouses, Werner Herzog on Barbie

    Quitting caffeine is so much harder on me than quitting weed so far. I spent so much time yesterday staring at my screen, trying to write, unable to think of any words. I hate stimulants. Mild use, for me, apparently means heart palpitations; quitting it once I’ve got a dependency means becoming an utter zombie with relentless migraines.

    Guzzling iced tea got me into more of a thinky place by the end of the day, but that’s not really a long term solution.

    I have to believe if I quit-quit, it will all be better in a month, but I have already sacrificed a month to babysitting myself through weed withdrawal and I’m so reluctant to do it again so soon. On the other hand, from what I’ve learned about substance dependency the last two years, I really want to…not be dependent! On anything! It just sucks because caffeine is in so many things, like basically every drink I enjoy, and also chocolate, and even OTC migraine medications.

    On the bright side, I’m not even thinking about weed much anymore, which I never would have thought possible two months ago. Two years ago. Eight years ago. Sober life is pretty neat.


    Another reason it’s good to be off weed is because studies may link cardiovascular disease to cannabis use. (Ars Technica) The more you use (especially daily like me), the likelier you are to have a heart attack or stroke. Considering my heart palpitations became a THING when I was quitting, I totally believe this. There is a big cardiovascular involvement.

    The classification of cannabis with far more dangerous drugs has prevented studies like this until recently. America’s drug war has made drugs more dangerous on multiple axes.


    If you watched the John Oliver episode about dollar stores (YouTube), you won’t be surprised that Family Dollar has been fined over rodents in its warehouses. (NPR)


    The CDC recommends covid boosters for ages 65+. (Ars Technica) If the CDC, who recommends you should try licking that light socket, is suggesting the booster, y’all should get the booster.


    Game industry layoff gore continues. EA is laying off 650 employees. (Engadget) Yikes, EA.


    For the time being, Star Trek is safe from David Zaslav and Zaslavian destructive management style. Paramount won’t be acquired by Warner Bros. (Ars Technica)


    I have to share this for the great headline, which you MUST read in his voice: Werner Herzog Watched 30 Minutes of ‘Barbie’ and Asked: ‘Could It Be That the World of Barbie Is Sheer Hell?’ (Variety)


    Montana, of all places, says that a woman’s right to abortion is tied to her right to privacy. A judge declared three anti-abortion laws unconstitutional. (NPR)


    The Oscars loves snubbing horror movies (NPR), as evidenced by the fact Nope should have cleared the 2023 Oscars and did not.


    Two days ago, Ars Technica reported that X revived its anti-deadnaming policy.

    Today, X bent over to suck right wing interests and killed the policy again. (Engadget)


    Sophie Boutella defends ‘Rebel Moon,’ and rightly so. (Variety) The movie itself was bad, in the opinion of my review. But Sophie Boutella acted her ass off in it. She committed herself to some of the absolute worst dialogue and gave some absolutely excellent line readings. It’s not her fault the film sucked. She’s right to want to see it treated better when she did her part so well.

  • Doc Martin (the greatest show ever) Episode Recaps
    doc martin

    Doc Martin s1e1: “Going Bodmin” (2004)

    Doc Martin is the greatest TV show ever made. I can’t tell you exactly why this is true. I can list things that I love about the show, but what about these things makes it “the greatest”? I’m not entirely sure. But I love Doc Martin in a way that I have never loved a show on my first watch-through.

    I adore the titular character, Martin Ellingham, though I initially found him off-putting. You need a keen eye to see actor Martin Clunes’s comic chops through his dour, neurotic, wooden-faced performance as Dr Ellingham. After a time, it becomes clear the only reason this character (who is incredibly autism-coded) works is because Clunes is a genius of physical comedy. He delivers the driest English humor and most restrained-yet-cartoony gesture work.

    Martin is wish fulfillment in a character. He says what’s on his mind and tells people to shut up, go away, etc without a hint of shame. His incredibly logical approach to this batty small town feels a lot like being an autistic person in real life. It’s never quite clear why we’ve left someone miffed when we’re just speaking the unfiltered truth. Martin speaks with thorough medical confidence, which makes it all the more frustrating when he offends an entire village with his frankness.

    The main appeal of Martin, for me, is competency porn. He’s really good at his job, usually. Mistakes can be made, but it’s seldom because he doesn’t care enough. If he realizes someone is in real danger, he cares deeply, and he won’t let go of the case until everything has been handled. Some have said medical shows are the hospital version of copaganda; it gives an unfairly glowing idea of a system that is incapable of producing sleuths who care so much and commit so many resources to any individual case. As someone medically complicated, I like dreaming of a doctor who could fix me.

    Martin alone isn’t enough to make this show The Greatest. It’s a lot of things, big and small, that make Portwenn feel real and keep me returning to its Cornish shore.

    The closest comparison I can make to an American TV show (at least, one that I’ve watched) is Elementary, another 1/3 of my all-time favorite TV shows, along with Bryan Fuller’s Hannibal. Elementary also stars an English lead who is autistic-coded with terrible social skills. They’re both shows oriented mostly toward mysteries, too. They’re procedurals where the central detective isn’t a cop. There’s also a female lead who I find extremely appealing: Lucy Liu in the case of Elementary, and Caroline Catz in the case of Doc Martin.

    Doc Martin is funnier, though, and often less reassuringly predictable than Elementary; some of the episodes sincerely stress me out. But that excitement is part of the appeal too. Hence why I want to review THE GREATEST TV SHOW EVER MADE, episode by episode (if it suits me). I am obsessed, it itches my brain, and I have mentally moved to Portwenn. I’ll send you a post card.

    Please note: All of these posts will have spoilers. I highly recommend watching the episodes before my recaps because the guessing is part of the fun.


    Episode Recap

    Doc Martin flies into the small Cornish town of Portwenn to accept a new job as the general practitioner (GP). Before his surgery has been prepared, he’s already facing his first medical mystery.

    It’s called “Going Bodmin” in reference to an asylum in Bodmin. The giggling girl chorus that remains *delightfully* consistent throughout the TV show calls Martin Bodmin from the get-go. They’re right, but can you blame him? You can imagine why when he’s losing his cool over the dog in the surgery, the narrow roads, and a town that wants to do everything but allow him to work peacefully.

    The real story here is that Martin hates small-town life, but he doesn’t have any choices. He’s gotten himself driven away from his fabulous London job. The problems from London will follow him everywhere because the problem is Martin. He has to make this terrible town work, because he’s terrible at being human. And Portwenn desperately needs a doctor. The GP preceding him, Dr Sim, left behind a complete mess.

    The medical mystery: Why does an older gentleman have gynecomastia?

    Martin thinks it’s because enboobied Colonel Gilbert Spencer’s wife, Susan, is using way too much oestrogen cream, but when a surfer also shows up with gynecomastia, Martin loses confidence in that theory. There’s some question whether the water in Portwenn might be contaminated–which comes up again later.

    It’s easy to predict the reveal yourself before Martin figures it out because the answer is unspooled from the very beginning. You can see Susan bustling away from her affair as soon as Martin arrives, and her distracted surfer paramour loses his car to high tide.

    You already know the affair is coming long before it’s discovered at the worst possible moment. People love spoilers, especially when they spoil themselves. But you can easily understand why Martin, who is terrible at predicting human behavior, would not understand the mystery sooner.

    Louisa & Martin: Martin and Louisa meet for the first time on the plane into town. Martin does the thing where he stares intensely at a woman until she thinks he’s a pervert, but he whips out a diagnosis that defuses the situation…kinda.

    Louisa Glasson isn’t convinced that Martin is cut out for the village. He’s spent 12 years as a surgeon, who see people as bodies rather than people. And oh *boy* are the residents of Portwenn “people,” not bodies.

    But Louisa begins respecting him when she realizes that Martin was correct diagnosing her with glaucoma. Much like myself, Louisa loves a competent man. She’s soft and generous and expansive this early in the show. She goes from angry to friendly in a snap. Martin’s attraction toward Louisa is subtler, aside from a couple darling moments where he gazes at her through a school window and sees she’s wearing an eye patch. Hey, it’s someone who actually took his medical advice! What’s not to love?

    Worth noting that Martin Clunes has a great pining-face. You can trust me on this one, I’m an expert.

    Also, it might look like Martin is too old for Louisa, but the actors are only eight years apart in age. Caroline Catz is just very beautiful and Martin Clunes is very square-headed.

    The Larges: If you get competency porn feelings from Martin as a great doctor, you will not from the Larges. Bert and his son Al (presumably Albert and Albert Jr) are plumbers who show their dreadful skills in this episode by busting a pipe and flooding Martin’s surgery. It’s hard to believe these two doofy dudes will persist throughout the show, but they do!

    Plumbing is their first of many failed ventures, and you can’t blame Martin for going Bodmin about it. But Bert Large also quickly becomes one of Martin’s access points to the town. Bert entreats Martin to care for the humans who have always been his neighbors, and his working class sensibility is exactly what Martin needs to concede his pride.

    The Assistant: We meet Elaine in this episode, played by legendary evil step-sister actress Lucy Punch. (You might know her from one of my favorite movies, Ella Enchanted.) Elaine is unprofessionalism wearing white girl dreads. She won’t take notes he requests, uses his phone for personal calls, and wants to be paid even when she doesn’t actually do anything.

    Elaine has been foisted upon Martin by the town in much the same way as the dog. He is surrounded by things he doesn’t want. But maybe there’s something here he needs?

    The Auntie: Aunt Joan is introduced in a chicken coop. This is a woman who helped raise Martin when he visited her farm in summertime, and when we see her practical personality (including a quick chicken neck snapping) it quickly begins to contextualize Martin’s personality too.


    Louisa’s Hair Rating: 7/10. It’s a little flat. Her fringe isn’t at it’s fringiest, either.

    Infuriating Level: 5/10. Martin’s more annoying than the town at this point, but don’t worry, things swing around quickly.

    Episode Greatness Level: 10/10. I just love the Old Man Boobies episode, I won’t lie.

  • movie reviews

    Movie Review: Lisa Frankenstein (2024) ***

    “Lisa Frankenstein” is a revenge fantasy for depressed girls who read Jane Eyre at graveyards in the 1980s.

    Diablo Cody says the name is a “coincidence” because she was naming the character after Lisa from Weird Science, and she didn’t mean to invoke “Lisa Frank,” a brand which might be litigious if the writer said otherwise. The movie definitely has a lot more to do with Weird Science than Lisa Frank. It’s about a magically resurrected person who exists to fulfill the teenager’s romantic and sexual fantasies. Thank you, magical lightning!

    I was sold on the concept from the get-go. The lively teaser trailer had me pumped, and the movie certainly fulfills the expectations of the trailer. But there’s not a lot more than that. If you search up the version of the trailer that is ~4 minutes long, that is almost exactly the movie, except Lisa Frankenstein has been extended to ~90 minutes.

    I’m not saying this as a complaint. The trailer should tell you whether or not you’ll like the movie. This is all button-pushes without much substance: amazing goth aesthetic, melodramatic performances from talented actors, and an Edward Scissorhands aesthetic homage.

    If you want early Tim Burton done with feminine sensibilities, then Zelda Williams has you covered.

    If you want Jughead Jones doing a mostly dialogue-free Demon Barber of Fleet Street, you’re in the right place.

    If you’d like a whole lot of new screenshots for your angsty colorful Tumblr mood board, then there may have never been a better movie for you.

    My question for moviegoers broadly is, do you love the idea of a tanning bed resurrecting Frankenstein’s Boyfriend so much that you’ll get something out of the movie version more than the trailer?

    I did, but it’s less because the movie bounced on my buttons and more because debut director Zelda Williams did an amazing job. I was so obsessed with everything visual that I literally could not resist drawing while I worked on it. What a strong style. I look forward to more from this director, and I hope she drags her cinematographer along.

    The story, eh. Diablo Cody’s writing often feels hollow to me. Concept is made king because Cody doesn’t create fully realized characters that feel human. There is something terribly flat and mean-girl about the way that Cody draws characters in every movie I’ve seen outside Juno, and sometimes I really wonder how Juno managed to be so human given the givens.

    The story *mostly* works if you see it as being written by someone with a grudge toward certain archetypes which may or may not actually exist. It’s all emotional catharsis without needing to grow up. Our heroine can remain forever in a stunted state of teenage love.

    Fabulous performances cover a lot of shaky ground. Kathryn Newton is divine as a very old high schooler (she looks and feels 27, even slouching her way between lockers, but this is normal for the Hollywood High School Cinematic Universe). Liza Soberano is precious. Carla Gugino puts a lot of work into realizing her villainous stepmother. Jughead Jones joneses Jugheadily.

    Show up for the concept, stay for the aesthetic, and just kinda step over the writing. Lisa Frankenstein is fabulous fun.

  • documentaries

    Documentary Review: The Greatest Love Story Never Told (2024) **

    Have you ever wished you could see J.Lo trying to pick the mud she likes better, and conclude that she wants to choose the drier mud but make it wetter?

    Have you ever wished to feel much better about your own marriage by seeing a couple communicate through sarcasm, disdain, and eye-rolling?

    Have you wished that you knew what it was like to be a fifty-year-old woman with so much insecurity and so much money that you can surround yourself entirely with sycophants, bullying anyone who isn’t willing to support your bubble of delusion?

    Have you ever wondered what it might be like to show up for the Olympics without doing any training beforehand and being bummed out when you can’t perform at Olympics level?

    Twenty years after J.Lo released her last album, this woman really thought she should jump into an absolutely massive three-part project (album, movie, documentary) without having spent the intervening years cracking on any of the related crafts. She can’t name any projects that remind her of her own project except for “Purple Rain” by Prince, and somehow everyone has the tact not to start listing things like Rhythm Nation, Moonwalker, and Lemonade.

    She doesn’t know what gels are. She scoffs at Ben Affleck being excited by the expensive movie equipment, while Ben Affleck is incredulous that cheating on her before their wedding was emotionally devastating (their breakup “was mutual!” he says, while she disassociates on camera).

    Meanwhile, Ben Affleck is horrified and humiliated that she shared all their personal correspondence with a bunch of strangers in a professional setting. He was not asked first. Or even notified.

    The documentary is clearly edited by someone who hates J.Lo and cut in a lot of moments that mock her by demonstration: for instance, J.Lo insisting “you forgot I can dance!” and then cutting to a really low-energy rehearsal of the worst number in the movie. Or when she calls someone “like a sister” and then they show her acting annoyed and eye-rolling at her sister-colleague.

    A lot of celebrities refuse to be in the movie. J.Lo says they’re afraid. Nobody challenges her on that, either.

    She may have demanded Derek Hough cancel his appearance at an IRL wedding to marry her in a fake wedding!

    The celebrities who agree promptly show up and start shit-talking the project.

    Sadhguru arrives and she greets him mimicking his accent.

    At some point, I whited out and lost track of existence.

    I’m so supportive of J.Lo’s vanity project. I maintain that I would rather watch *all* *of* *this* before sitting through a single viewing of any Avatar movie, James Cameron’s vanity projects. I genuinely like a couple of the songs in a normal pop music way, and I think her more visually ambitious sequences have a delirious appeal. But I am genuinely concerned that J.Lo is not okay, even a little bit, and that the whole “learning to love herself” narrative is actual total denial. Because this woman obviously does not love herself. She may have identified the problem (and she’s right!) but she is not healing, and she’s not in an environment where that is possible.

    It’s actually overtly alarming to see her reenacting abuse from past relationships when she’s so very much NOT OKAY. No wonder she’s so miserable and snappy about the mud. She must have been in a constant haze of PTSD flashbacks doing this to herself. I actually think Ben Affleck’s attempts to talk her up without any clear-eyed evaluation of her capabilities may have been more harmful than a loving husband thing.

    If you’re like me (the living embodiment of the Marie Kondo ilovemess.gif) then you can’t miss this, but it’s…alarming. It hates its own subject matter. It’s BANANAS to the point of being painful.

    This entire trifecta project is 10/10 but also somehow 1-2 stars.

  • sara reads the feed

    Sara is so totally psychic, method acting snark, and articles far more interesting than those I write

    I have this running joke* in my family about how I am totally psychic. I have made multiple accurate predictions. There are really funny probably-coincidences I can attribute to myself as psychic predictions, too. I’m not reading minds. It’s nothing like that.

    *When I say I’m joking, I’m saying that there’s a 50/50 chance that it’s just a bit (I live for The Bit) or I actually believe it myself. There is no delineation between these two things. I live by Calvin & Hobbes rules. The fact it is funny to bring up frequently is the entire point.

    Last night I dreamed about finding an exciting house perfect for my family. Unfortunately, renovations on the house turned out to be performed by scammers. The house fell into a river. The dream wasn’t very stressful; it was kind of funny.

    Today I woke up to some external stimulus that had me looking at houses. I had forgotten the dream by this point. I saw one house listing that was really exciting! A good price, a good size. The downside seemed to be its rural location. I asked my online friends what considerations I should have in regards to rural life.

    Through a chain of research, I eventually discovered this house is at risk of flooding. It’s unexpected for a house in the middle of the desert. But there’s no denying it: the house is uninsurable due to its flood risk.

    I didn’t make the connection between my dream and the house at first. It’s awfully weird I was dreaming about houses falling into rivers before this weirdo chain of events though…right?

    So yeah, I’m a psychic. I can’t say this psychic power is *useful*. I am psychic nonetheless.


    Bright Wall, Dark Room reviewed a 1989 documentary called “For All Mankind.” Interesting read!

    For All Mankind demonstrates a playful self-awareness of its identity as a movie about making movies. Reinert cuts together footage of the astronauts peering through cameras, filming each other, and waving. The men of Apollo 8 hold up notebook paper signs reading “Apollo 8 Home Movies” and “Staring [sic] Bill Anders, James Lovell, and Frank Borman.” In other footage, a tape recorder floats through the module playing the fanfare from Richard Strauss’s 1896 Also sprach Zarathustra, best known as the theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968).

    It can feel as if Reinert, who set out to make a movie about the moon, instead attempted to  make every movie about the moon.


    Crooked Timber shares a thought-provoking essay about managers and their waning power in the office, using the church as an example.

    In the encyclical Humanae Vitae, Pope Paul VI made his fateful rejection of all forms of artificial contraception. As an attempt to exercise and shore up authority it failed completely. The realities of raising large families and dealing with unplanned pregnancies were far removed from the experience of priests and theologians. And the church’s evident demographic motive (the desire for big Catholic families to fill the pews) further undermined the legitimacy of the prohibition.


    Lawyers, Guns, & Money sound as annoyed by the semaglutide craze as I am.


    Rebecca Ferguson was reportedly harassed by a costar on set. The Rock wants everyone to know it wasn’t him and he will flex his biceps over it. (TSFKA Twitter) Way to make it about yourself, Dwayne!

    In similar entertainment news, Jonny Lee Miller related his reaction to abuse of a woman in the entertainment industry. (The Independent) I appreciate his desire to not make it about himself.

    “My memory is a bit hazy, but I remember feeling fury,” he says. “I actually wanted to be more proactive about it, but it was 100 per cent her decision and you have to swallow your male bulls***. I was gonna hire someone to f***ing…” He trails off. “But I didn’t. I had some connections.” I laugh, nervously. Miller does not. And Jolie told him not to? “Yeah. Because it would mean it becomes about you, right? And you wanting to prove how much you care – ‘No one’s going to f***ing do that to my people.’ But what you need to do is listen to your partner.” He smiles, warmly now. “Amazingly, that was the one thing I was able to get right. You know, I was raised by women. I have three sisters. And [Jolie] is a very smart lady. She knows what’s best for her.”


    Florida’s government is all like “let’s make measles great again!” (NPR)

    Florida’s surgeon general, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, has so far not urged parents of unvaccinated children at the school with the outbreak to get their children vaccinated, or to quarantine them. In a Feb. 20 letter, Ladapo left it up to parents to decide whether to send their kids to school.

    It’s wild to me that one of the easiest, best, cheapest tools for public health has become so politically polarizing. I can’t think The People actually want this.


    I’ve been waiting to watch Poor Things, and now it’ll be on Hulu March 7th. (Variety) I feel like I have to make an addendum about how I fully expect to hate this movie any time I bring it up, because I am not planning to evaluate it fairly. idk man, I can be petty.


    Are you surprised to hear that Amazon is up to fuckery with the Roadhouse remake? (Ars Technica) They don’t want to pay the original screenwriter for the adaptation and rushed through AI voice work to make that happen. Any interest I had in watching a greasy Jake Gyllenhaal kickpunch his way through the titular roadhouse has vanished.


    Engadget reports that the Apple Car has been cancelled. Word on the street is that they’d like to refocus on AI. I think of Apple as being one of the less-evil corporate feudalist lords simply because they want to keep our data to themselves (no privacy, but it stays in their walled garden), and you pay a premium for their devices and services to get that. I am not optimistic about how long that vibe is going to last.


    The New Yorker wonders if you can want an Oscar too much. Of course they’re talking (in large part) about Maestro, BCoop’s extremely thirsty plea for Oscars attention.

    Also from the same source, a review of Dune 2 that makes it sound like I won’t love it for the same reasons I don’t love the first one. But how much can we trust The New Yorker on this when they talk so much about conlang and point to Lord of the Rings as a major source of our fascination when I got into conlang from a Klingon dictionary vastly predating the other properties they’re talking about? They barely mention Star Trek in passing, then spend a bunch of time caring about the Game of Thrones conlinguist (I might have just made up that word) who I am not especially fond of.

    Speaking of Dune 2, Stellan Skarsgard talks about Austin Butler (Variety) like Brian Cox talks about Jeremy Strong (“have you tried acting?” to paraphrase), and I never get tired of this kind of story about over-enthusiastic actors with poor boundaries between work and reality.


    Odysseus plopped onto its side on the Moon and will be freezing to sleep forever faster than expected. (Ars Technica)