Headaches, other folks review stuff, fundie baby voice

I have no idea how to make myself write something I don’t “feel like” working on. I know I used to do it somehow. It’s driving me crazy though — whenever I try to prioritize a project I Don’t Feel Like Working On, I just kinda stop working completely. On the other hand, if it’s something I really really like that turns me into a dopamine machine, I can keep it up for hours.



My iPad isn’t charging for some reason, and I use it *constantly* for drawing, so I am a little freaked out. Trying not to panic. I don’t want to already go buy another new one, though. I swear I just got this one…two years ago, maybe? Less? Of course I never do warranties.

I need to investigate more before really freaking out about it. It’s my drawing machine though. 🙁 I’ve been drawing a lot lately! I cannot do the same style by hand, or using my computer’s drawing tablet!


I can’t really do much of anything or emotionally process in a healthy way when I’ve had this stupid headache for so long, though.


I wish I had never confessed in private to my family that I was going to miss the George Santos impressions on late night tv because somehow THAT QUEEN HEARD ME and he’s running again. (NPR) George Santos…no. Just no. Please God don’t.


Disappointing to see “Cabrini” trending on TSFKA Twitter and learn it’s another weirdo right wing reactionary flick. (Variety) I thought it might be related to Candyman, which partially takes place at Cabrini-Green. On the bright side, looking up Cabrini-Green’s spelling led me to an utterly fascinating article about its history. (All That’s Interesting)


Nicole at Thoughts Stained with Ink has been reading/enjoying the Mead Mishaps series.


Daniel D’Addario at Variety insists that Bradley Cooper’s Oscar run for Maestro was not thirsty. To that, I reply, lmao. No.


America has been trying to airdrop aid to Gazans. One airdrop killed five people when the parachute failed. (AJE)


Activision at Microsoft has the biggest video game union: six hundred-some quality control workers have banded together. (Engadget)


Mexico brought back bullfighting. I’m never sure what to think about that — I don’t personally love killing animals for sport, period, but I also am an Anglo American who frankly doesn’t need an opinion on an unrelated culture’s practices — so I present NPR’s article about female bullfighters without further commentary.


After a three year journey in orbital free-fall, batteries from the ISS are on their way to uncontrolled reentry. (Ars Technica)


Mostly gonna put this link here so I can cite it later if necessary: Immigrants less likely to commit crimes than U.S.-born Americans, study finds (NPR)


WeGovy has gotten FDA approval of semaglutide as a treatment overweight/obesity in order to reduce risks of heart attack/stroke. (NPR) This is surely because insurance companies haven’t been wanting to pay (Ars Technica) out the nose for semaglutide used (until now) off-label for weight loss.


Literally *right* before the Oscars, the screenwriter of The Holdovers has been accused of plagiarism. (Variety)


I couldn’t watch much of the GOP response to the State of the Union address because of its weird delivery and unpleasant messaging. Digby’s Hullaballoo, however, has interesting insight about the “fundie baby voice” most of us have been agog at.

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