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    a summer on social media

    May 8th

    I love the thing where I remove my bra and I can inventory everything I ate earlier today by what falls out. ~

    I got myself a foot bath to celebrate publishing a book the first time in (cough cough cough) a few minutes. One of those things where it heats up the water and has massage rollers in it. Aside from wishing it had a wider stance (my feet don’t like to be this close together), it’s really nice. I’m sitting here with my feet marinating right now.

    Normally I don’t do a lot of sitting. I’m either walking outside/on treadmill, using my standing desk, or lying in my bed. So my feet are tired from all the standing up. Cooking them is really nice. Also my feet aren’t cold for once, which is also nice. I wonder if it’s safe to put magnesium salts in? I should probably open the manual.

    I’m gonna try writing like this for a minute and see how it goes. I might be too sleepy/cozy to actually get words out lol

    Today I was wearing leggings for the first time in a while, and I caught a look at my backside in the mirror, and I was like, “hey gurl whassup”

    My wardrobe became mostly maxi dresses and flowy yoga pants the last couple years. I was a total fashion doll for a minute there. Really enjoyed some funky queer fashion. Nowadays I’m all “Hello, the Lord of Comfort has arrived, and I shan’t be bothered by plebeian things like WAISTBANDS”

    (Rejecting waistbands is related to digestive health issues which I shall not discuss to spare y’all the TMI)

    But I have been doing a lot of minor hikes (couple miles, no noteworthy elevation gain) and walking the dogs, and I think that just moving my butt has made my butt Perk Up. There is something resembling shape going on. And I am definitely prideful enough to give myself an eyebrow-wag when I notice I’m packing junk in the trunk.

    It’s really frustrating how much you really do need exercise — even the smallest bits of it — in order to look good and feel good. Who made THAT rule? Not the Lord of Comfort, that’s for sure.

    May 11th

    Note to self: whenever I’ve been cutting my hair for a minute, and I think I should stop, but then think “how much worse can I make it?”


    I have this theory that a solid 75% of relationships are based on one dynamic:

    – Person who loves talking
    – Person who loves that they don’t have to talk

    I’m the talker, but really *only* with my spouse. My spouse is not a huge talker. Great listener. Genuinely loves not having to hold up his end of a conversation.

    This was also my maternal grandparents! My Grandma kissed the Blarney Stone (literally and figuratively) whereas Grandpa would prefer to sit in silence with his roofing tools.

    Omg. I fell hard while gardening, and my French bulldog dgaf. Didn’t even check on me. Just kept yorping at the neighbor dog. Rude!

    Lassie! Mommy fell down! Get help! …Lassie? LASSIE!


    My back yard has gotten to be a disaster after a few years of neglect. A beautiful disaster, mind you. Tree suckers everywhere. We haven’t paid attention in so long that we have some big proper trees out of nearly nowhere.

    A new elm – I like it, and it’s somewhere it can stay.

    A Russian olive – the birds must have made that one. I cut it back severely.

    A maple – much too close to our house and must get removed, but at this point we need some heavy-duty equipment because the trunk’s gotten 2-3″ in diameter and the shears can’t do it.

    And then a hundred little elm & maple saplings.

    Plus, the modest lil baby trees that were in our yard when we got it a decade ago have become real proper big trees, and I am humbled in their presence. They’re amazing to experience.

    Still, these things must be tended somewhat. I took big ol chompers to all the little saplings and suckers. I’ve gotten used to (what feels like) cruelty to my house plants, since I know now that pruning and death is just a gardener’s life. I was out there for quite a while trying to open up the paths again, since they’d been overtaken by growth.

    The biodiversity in plants now that we no longer groom/cultivate a “park-like appearance” (like the house listing originally said) is honestly just stunning. I love letting things overgrow. I can’t let it threaten foundations or creep over to neighbors’ yards for practical purposes, but it’s like this chunk of Nevada foothills or something, and it’s mine to take care of. I feel very magical and special about it.


    May 13th

    it rained real hard today, absolutely spectacular early summer storm. (it’s early summer by nevada weather standards.) two hours of great thunder and pissing rain! then sun just in time for golden hour. warm night thereafter. we saw SO MANY toads out on a short walk. <33 BIG GUYS. hand-sized.

    May 15th

    Did you know if you want to finish a book, you have to know how it ends?

    You can’t just set a word count goal and meet it? You have to like…actually finish the story?

    May 16th

    Today a woman asked me if my 9yo was my little brother, AND she let me pet her dogs for like 20 minutes, so I’m gonna be riding that energy for at least a week.

    May 18th

    I grew up in the 90s watching a lot (a LOT) of TV, along with my sibling Rory. My spouse did not. He watched Star Trek: TNG and basically nothing else.

    It’s easy to forget we had culturally divergent childhoods (lol) until I’m rewatching FRIENDS.

    theme song: so no one told you life was gonna be this way
    me and rory: CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP
    spouse: ?!??!?!?!?!

    basically every 23 minutes on the dot, we shock him out of his headphones again. hahahaha

    May 19th

    Someone recommended I use emu oil on my gauged ears, so I got some emu oil, and I’ve been using it. And then I was like “huh I wonder what is in this anyway” so I looked it up–

    EMUS! Emus are in emu oil. I have no idea why I thought “emu oil” was like, a brand name. EMU Oil. IT’S EMUS.

    I? don’t? know? why? this? bothers? me? BUT IT DOES. Now I’m like omg I should have just used coconut oil or something. I eat animals, why does rubbing animal oil on my ears bother me?? But it does! I’m floored that I’m rubbing emu on my ears.

    I’m so sorry emu bb

    May 23rd

    Apparently my kid’s school is having a “market day” where we have to provide some hand-crafted thing for kids to buy. With fake money. Somehow this has led to 9yo saying “WE are going to make crocheted keychains,” wherein WE means MOMMY because nobody else in this house knows what to do with a crochet hook.

    My $15/tiny skein furry yarn (for tribbles) and hardware (eyes, keychain) and my labor (PRICELESS) are just like…randomly committed to this market day thing. hours of crocheting. so that children who like skibidi toilet can get the fruits of my work using fake money. these other smelly children at school bully my child, tell on him because he’s not Christian, etc. and i’m supposed to, what, donate crap to these little turdlets?

    look, i am just not that kind of mommy. i am not remotely saintly; i am a feral dirtbag with a vagina. school needs to assign things to children that children can do on their own. if kids are so excited about getting free stuff, they should make the free stuff.

    but apparently every mommy is making something for this market day.

    i am not that kind of human. i got alllll the way through public school without doing homework at home, even once. i did it between classes, mostly, or i didn’t do it at all. solid C-student. you know what they say, Cs get diplomas.

    school has found me anyway. and i love my child *madly*, and i would make him infinite keychains…if he were keeping them…and i spend a whole lotta time with him, doing stuff for him, preparing fun things to do together. making stuff for this is really not outside the realm of normal. but i feel DEEPLY resentful in the context (school assigning HOMEWORK TO ME).

    not looking for advice or fixes, i’m rage-crocheting all day today. i just HAVE to complain about this. i really can’t over-emphasize how i’ve hated school my entire life and it failed to occur to me that having kids would mean i’d be dealing with utter nonsense again.

    May 29th

    If I catch myself ruminating on conflicts I’ve had in the past — or insults people inflicted upon me — I now stop myself by thinking, “You didn’t know. And they didn’t know.”

    There is so much we don’t know. We learn all the time. Experiences pile upon experiences. Whatever everyone needed to know to avoid conflict (because I really believe folks aren’t *generally* out for a fight), we didn’t have the information required to avoid that friction.

    I didn’t know how to be better. They also didn’t know how to be better. The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows talks of Énouement: “the bittersweetness of having arrived here in the future, finally learning the answers to how things turned out but being unable to tell your past self.”

    We all go through it. This is part of life. It’s gonna keep happening until this life ends and we have to learn again.

    If you’re one of the people who butts heads with me because I Didn’t Know What I Needed to Know, I’m sorry. That’s just where I was (where I am, where I will be). And if you and I have butted heads before, just know that I’m not super hung up on it. I assume you didn’t know either. We’re all good in my book.

    June 3rd

    I’ve been taking my homeschooled 13yo to brunches and it’s soooo nice, sitting on the edge of a fancy golf course with my lil baby (now 6′ tall baby) with nice table manners having a civilized conversation and eating fancy brunch food. Maybe I can call this homeschool too? Making sure they are suitable for existing in society? lol

    They are so lovely to hang out with though :’))) We walk to brunch and back, so we get all the fresh air and time to chat about their interests. And I get to sneak in lectures, like when I did the hour-long lecture about the politics and production of Fritz Lang’s Metropolis.

    We are still behind on math, but on all the other subjects, I have a very bright kiddo who is extremely interesting as a human.

    (If you cannot imagine someone as feral as me near a golf course, I don’t blame you. But I treat it like attending church, which I have done for research. I cover my tattoos, switch to my least-punk piercings, dress appropriately, and pretend I’m a normie. CAMOUFLAGE)

    June 4th

    I’ve been wondering how AI is going to change colloquial English, and formal English in the long term.

    What AI puts out is either loopy junk or chunks of directly copied text, remixed, but it’s what an increasing number of people are familiar with.

    Kids are having papers written and proofread by AI, on a big scale. On a small scale, a lot of people are getting edited by software that’s frequently *wrong*, but consistently wrong, like autocorrect, spell check, and Grammarly. Folks are learning from this. They are adapting to echo these differences. They’re learning punctuation, syntax, etc from this stuff.

    The more people use language in these ways, the greater proportion of people who use a language in a particular way, the more that language is Just Like That.

    I feel funny about this. I accept languages will change — and who am I to be arbiter of the *way* these things change, really? If it’s influenced in a way that looks like junk to me, isn’t that kind of the history of the world? The old generation thinks the new generations are junky? My generation is annoyed by The Youths’ skibidi fanum tax gyatt and my parents’ generation was annoyed by yolo yeet on fleek. Vibe.

    I love reading old fiction. I can see how conventions have changed over a century or more. The paragraph-long compound sentences with an abundance of commas are my favorite. Heck, I was just reading a 1989 book review from the New York Times and jarred by how formal it was, how long the sentences, how clunky it felt. That’s (barely) within my lifetime!

    So right now AI-influenced or -edited crap feels like crap to me. But I wonder if that’s going to be standard at some point, and the way I write is gonna feel stilted/formal/old-fashioned. Or maybe I already do “feel” that way? I mean, gosh, I spent three years writing elf fanfic about gothic romance. My vocabulary has taken weird directions.

    I’m not saying any of this in support of AI; I remain opposed. I just also think education has left a gap where machines can profoundly shape the way we communicate because people don’t know any better, and will have less reason to know “better” as time goes on.

    I’m comfortable with remaining a relic of my time, but I’m also observing this like, “Huh.” As neutrally as I can manage when my biases are so strong.

    June 14th

    Spotting a used pregnancy test box in the Target bathroom trash can is quite the environmental storytelling.
    I’ve always had a hard time with self-esteem in the looks department, but lately I keep seeing myself and being startled by how pretty I look.

    I think it’s just that I so strongly resemble my mom and my 13yo, like a perfect in-between of the two of them, and the two of them are the most beautiful people on the planet. So I see them when I look at myself, and I’m like, omg so pretty.

    June 19th

    Sibling: It’s funny that your Spouse was so horrified by Insomniac Cafe. I laughed through most of it.

    Me: I know, he’s so sweet. Spouse was especially bothered when the Phoebe character gave birth to… (*remembers 13yo is sitting in the room*) Well when she gave birth to what she gave birth to.

    13yo: What did she give birth to?

    Me: Dog-sized cockroaches.

    13yo: I’m never asking you questions ever again.

    June 22nd

    9yo Sunshine: Whatcha doing?
    Me: Preparing 8th grade math to continue homeschooling Moonlight.
    Sunshine: Aww, you’re like a little teacher. That’s cute.
    Me: You’re cute.
    Sunshine: You should homeschool me too. I’d be a lot less stressed.
    Me: omg but what about MY STRESS

    I had to come up with a persuasive lecture on the spot about why public school is much more ideal for everyone involved. I think I convinced Sunshine he does not actually want Mommy to be his “little teacher,” although that’s freakin adorable.

    I’ve been back in the gym for the last few weeks. It feels like a big deal but I’m not talking about it because I don’t wanna curse my new-old routine. I lifted real hard and consistently for almost six years, and now I’ve been off for almost four years. Here’s what I’m noticing:

    My body remembers everything. I lost a ton of squat strength, but for some reason, not a lot of arm strength. The movements themselves are still easier. I don’t feel like a newbie, just like I’m not conditioned. (Which is true, but I thought it would be worse when I’d been sedentary for so long.)

    Muscle size has rebounded quickly, just because of all the initial swelling/water retention/whatever. Especially in my arms, dude. It’s like my arms/shoulders were just waiting for the opportunity to go full gorilla mode again.

    I feel…less neurodivergent? better-regulated? when I’m lifting regularly. I think it’s because sore muscles give me a better sense of my body’s position in the world. Bad interoception can come along with a spicy brain. I’m sure it’s also all the neurochemicals produced while working out too.

    I AM EXHAUSTED. I only lift for 30-45 minutes every other day, but I go as heavy as I can manage with good form. It’s enough to leave me utterly slammed with fatigue. It would be okay if I didn’t have to be on top of my kids. It’s summer break, after all. I can’t nap all day! My 9yo decides I’ve gotten enough sleep at 8am and climbs on me!

    It’s extremely weird going to old gyms where I was accustomed to seeing myself as a size US 4 and now be a size US 16. Same place, same routine, completely different body. And my face is old! Covid aged me! But then I just have to lift really hard until I stop caring and it’s fine again. lol.

    Generally it’s been nice and I feel good and I just want to sleep all the time. I look forward to being able to powerlift heavier than I used to (gimme like six months, I was never very strong) and being an utter tank.

    June 24th

    I’m writing the first draft of a novel in a notebook. I write totally differently in each format (typing on computer, writing by hand, dictation) and handwriting is a slow less-detailed format that somehow feels zero commitment. It’s liberating.

    No idea how many words I’ve written. Can’t make much story progress in a sitting, so I think a lot between sessions. I’ll probably rewrite mostly from scratch when it’s time to type it. I’m not producing anything usable so it feels more fun and less work. I love getting to use pens.

    Dictating is a high-volume method of writing that is invariably messier — not just with transcription errors but because I use way more words when I talk vs type. I do much trimming/editing.

    I’m REALLY practiced writing by keyboard so that’s quick, most polished, and feels like actual work.

    I can dictate a shocking number of words. Like 4k an hour when I get on a roll. I haven’t been doing that much lately because I’m usually working on fantasy with crazy vocab that doesn’t transcribe well.

    My absolute max typing is 3k/hr (but usually 2k) and I would guess I hand write 1k/hr.

    Typing makes the most sense because it’s highest precision with good output, but it’s just not much fun tbh. Like I said…it feels like work.

    I don’t wanna feel committed to this book because I’m now editing Insomniac Cafe (horror satire) and planning to publish ‘Atop the Trees, Beneath the Mountains’ this year. I don’t need another project. But if I just handwrite an hour before bed each day, it doesn’t count! This one is in the same universe as Atop the Trees, but it’s in a different county, different characters, no direct relationship with ATTBTM. You know, like how Rylie used to have nothing to do with Elise. lol

    June 30th

    I’ve been trying to parse what has really changed about me the last ~4 years, aside from gaining a lot of weight and getting sober. I know those are significant things but kinda…don’t explain how different I feel?

    I realized it’s less need for external validation. I kept myself skinny in large part because I liked how being a skinny girl is cheat codes for people being nice to you, and I couldn’t handle people being mean/judgy; I believed all insults (I was also a fat teenager).

    Now I care so much less. I have more self-worth. I don’t *love* being insulted, but I have a vastly more solid idea of who I am, my value, etc – I feel stable. So being fat just doesn’t seem like a big deal anymore.

    That said, insecurity and a desire to prove myself motivated me to do SO MUCH. Now I don’t feel insecure or desirous of proving myself, so I’m generally way less motivated in every way. Like I don’t have a ton of motivation without fear. That’s kinda weird and I’m not sure what to make of it.

    July 8th

    Man, why is time so slippery? I’ve only had a couple days of editing left on this book for ages now. I really only need a few hours to myself. I can’t seem to find it, though.

    I’m basically never alone. NEVER. I use my minimal free time at the gym, but even then, I pop out for a 30 minute workout and then pop back because I am Needed.

    I know I used to have more time. I just can’t conceive HOW.

    It kinda feels like I can’t bear to tell my kids “no, sorry, I’m going to work on my books” because that feels selfish and not like actual work. It used to be actual work. Now it feels like I’m just depriving my babies. Who aren’t babies! They’re turning 10 and 14 in three months.

    They’re so interesting and pleasant and easy to be around, honestly. They also want ALL OF MY TIME. All of it.

    My dudes, it’s been 104F (40C) a couple days in a row here. Sometimes we get that in August, but it’s weird in July. I totally lose all desire to exist in weather that hot.

    Normally around here it’ll get 97/98 during the day, and then quickly cool into the 70s at night, but lately it’s been over 80 near unto midnight. When the heck do I walk my French bulldog? When do I walk MYSELF?

    I don’t even wanna go to the gym/store/whatever because going between Car and Building is such a drag.

    Luckily our AC is doing its job. Everything *else* in the house is breaking and we’re looking at a summer of five-figure House Fixing Stuff, but the AC is okay…at the moment. Fingers and toes crossed for us please. It’s nasty!

    The AQI hasn’t been good either, but only like 70-90 (we’ve gone off the charts in past fire seasons). Bits of California are burning, but we aren’t getting it all at the moment.

    What a summer, man!

    July 12th

    I love when someone on a local subreddit asks for the best tamales and all the answers are like, GPS locations and times. It’s like trying to find a spy hookup. You know, that one old lady who’s on the corner of x and y, over by z? on thursdays at 7:30pm and saturdays at 5pm but only when there’s a full moon. Get a whole bag of tamales. Tell her Jimbo sent you.

    July 14th

    on this summer break, my 9yo is giddy with the RAW POWER of having mommy at his disposal all the time. it’s like we’re connected by an umbilical cord again. we vibrate on the same wavelength a lot. it’s exhausting because i’m a complete introvert who can’t recharge at all unless i’m alone, and he never tires out. he’s so sweet though. so cuddly and silly and happy to Do Things With Me.

    i’ve enlisted him to help me exercise. i’ve been weight training at the gym but rejecting cardio (as always). i told him i wanted to do a jogging lap around our local park each day, and oh boy, he will not forget to make me do that.

    even though i haven’t had a lot of time to do Thinky Stuff (nor the energy!) i have been reading tons of comic books, which is also Very Nice. i love retro comics. and i am catching up on all episodes of Bluey, which is very cute and unexpectedly emotional. the weather finally dropped under highs of 100F so we’ve had a bit of rain.

    this ends in a couple weeks and i’ll be able to write/edit regularly again. i am looking forward to it. but also i’m gonna miss my little buddy when he’s back at school tbh.

    August 3rd

    I have a Very Lovely Friend visiting from England (she took this picture). I’ve been showing her all my usual haunts around Nevada, since everything Nevada is EXTREMELY weird compared to England. It’s also weird compared to most of America, but especially England.

    I haven’t been getting out much these past few years, though. I honestly haven’t been to places like Virginia City and Truckee in so long, it’s like another lifetime. What’s weirdest is how much I like it here?? I love Nevada???

    I love our wild horses, our haunted everything, our gnarly trees, our many cemeteries, our trashy signage, our charmingly dull museums. Dry hot weather is nice! The desert is beautiful. Finding random patches of vivid green where the creeks run is downright magical. It’s a pleasure showing it off. I’m like Nevada’s proud mom.

    Since I’ve also been muddying around in Death’s Hand again, I’m feeling very nostalgic. I swung by some places in Reno that appear in the book. It’s like visiting myself as a young adult.

    August 4th

    I was feeling pretty good about myself today. Then I was out walking, and some dude stopped his car to congratulate me on my pregnancy.

    I have not been pregnant in a freakin decade. I am just fat and on my period so very bloated.

    I’m actually a little bit leaner atm; I’ve been lifting and eating well. I’m on a slow downslide. Not really worrying about it. Just noticed my clothes are a tiny bit looser. But I have always gotten people asking me if I’m pregnant when I am not! Even when I was at my skinniest, I got that. When I was 19, I got that. It’s just how I store fat. I have a stomach. I am an apple. HE STOPPED A CAR TO SAY THIS TO ME. kms

    August 6th

    I finally watched The VVitch. To answer the goat’s question, yes. I would love some butter and a naked dance party with my friends in the forest.

    August 9th

    13yo: you remind me CONSTANTLY that I am a teenager

    Me: bc I’m shocked that a mother of teenagers can be as cool as me. I’m so sigma. Sticking my gyatt out for the rizzler while he mews at me.

    13yo: mother.



    Weird dream last night. It was a continuation of a recurring dream theme I have: there is another house under my house (or a house i’m thinking about buying). Somewhere in the home there is another stairwell, and if you go down that stairwell, there will be another house with more stairs leading down. The deeper you go, the worse it gets.

    For whatever reason, all my extended family were trying to live with me in my current house. It was very full. So I said, “Hey, there’s actually another house under my house! If we clean it up, we’ll have room for everyone!”

    So I headed down with a few sturdy guys. My husband had blocked off the stairs for our safety, but it was easy to open, and the first stairs were so much shorter than they should have been — like it wanted us down there.

    It was exactly like I remembered. Just kind of a dim, grungy house that looked real dirty down there. Living room, kitchen, doors to bathroom and bedrooms. I started opening doors to show everyone it wasn’t a normal house. “See all the blood stains?” I asked. “See the windows that don’t go anywhere because we’re underground?”

    The doors tried to close behind us, but I held mine open, and I told everyone to keep them held open.

    “Don’t let it trap us!” I warned. “We’ve just gotta clean it up!”

    Nobody listened of course, so we got stuck. More stairways leading down appeared. When we went into rooms, they got bigger and scarier. More blood stains. More rust. Dolls everywhere. The dolls were moving! They were growing hair out of their noses! The windows were bleeding!

    The party I brought down to clean up the house started freaking, and I was getting REAL MAD about it.

    “This isn’t hell! It’s just my basement!” I said.

    All the hairy-nose dolls rolled their eyes back and started repeating me: “This isn’t hell. It’s just my basement.”

    And then I woke up.

    Weirdest part? It wasn’t a nightmare. I wasn’t actually scared at any point. I was just SUPER annoyed because I OWN THAT BASEMENT, dammit, and I can clean it up to share with family IF I WANT TO.

    August 14th

    I got to pet six dogs today. Three were puppies. IT WAS A GOOD DAY.
    (I also pet my two dogs, of course. So eight total.)

    Y’all I am having just such a nice harvest this year. My neighborhood grows all sorts of fruit on common lands; we already passed plum and cherry season, but now it’s grapes, raspberries, and blackberries. Apples and pears are still plumping up. Acorns will drop soon. Evening primrose seeds are coming.

    Every time I go on a walk, I get to snack as I go along. It’s incredible. My arms are all scraped up from the blackberry bush and I ~don’t even care~

    Combined with cooling temperatures, adorable dogs, and my children actually being amenable to taking long walks with me, I’m just in heaven.

    August 15th

    Thirty-six years old and I am shaving my chin area on most days. What is up with that? Who gave my body permission to grow the most pathetic semi-beard in existence?

    I’m telling you, I have gotten another hair somewhere weird every year since I turned 30. I get like two hairs on my left boob. Not righty (Fieghan), just lefty (Ewan). I am a boob and chin shaver. I just don’t think it’s FAIR.


    I took my electric scooter for its first real ride today. I am not good at balancing! It’s sort of funny how sometimes I step on, and I have no trouble staying upright, but I’ll also sometimes step on and wobble straight into the gutter.
    Ducking under low-hanging branches is beyond my balancing ability (for now) so I usually just brake and step off until I pass the trees. But I didn’t realize my scooter has cruise control. At one point it activated.
    So I tried to just step off to go under a tree…and the scooter kept going…and it pulled me ass over teakettle. I rolled quite a distance.
    My palm is now bruised and my knee is skinned. I was wearing a helmet, but I didn’t land on my head. Maybe I should be wearing kneepads too???

    I am 100% okay (wrist is a little hurty) and it’s actually kind of fun to fall down. Adrenaline is fun! It won’t stop me from continuing to ride. I think electric scooters are the perfect transportation around town, since I live in the middle of deep suburbia and everything is like two miles away to start. No need to get in a car. Just step on the thing and zoooooom (and make sure cruise control isn’t going when I step off)

  • bluesky,  facebook

    April’s social media rambling

    Posted 4/6/24. Facebook.

    I was playing with my formerly feral cat. She jumped up on the back of my chair and bit the back of my neck.

    Isn’t that how cats kill prey? Did my cat just…kill me?


    i’ve been lucky to read 2-3 books this year that i actually loved (i really struggle to find stuff that suits me) and everything i’ve read in between those books has really helped emphasize to me why i liked those 2-3

    it’s always a personal taste thing, of course; there’s nothing actually wrong with the other books. i have narrow tastes/desires in books the last few years. i have to cast a wide net (or get recs from similarly aligned friends) in order to find a couple that stick to my ribs.

    this year i’ve loved

    THE BELL JAR (yes, my first read)

    (i was REALLY in the mood for a book without a plot, so the lattermost item scratched the itch extremely well)

    i didn’t love it, but i did end up liking NIGHTBITCH. the more i reflect back on it, the fonder i feel. i’m like “heh.” i love messy authentic flawed things, and that’s kinda the whole point of nightbitch. and all the books i haven’t liked at all make nightbitch stick out more, yk?

    i dnf’d The Rabbit Hutch, but i might take a swing at it again later. the dialogue felt too stylized for me at the moment. i like the format enough that it might be worthwhile when i’m in a different head space.

    i do not mention books where i’m like “pah!” and forcefully close them, so these are all compliments from the bottom of a deep pit of literary anhedonia.

    loves/likes from previous years:

    SPINNING SILVER, Naomi Novik
    A LONG TIME DEAD, Samara Breger
    THE SALT GROWS HEAVY, Cassandra Khaw
    BITTERBURN, Ann Aguirre
    PARABLE OF THE SOWER, Octavia E Butler
    GARDENS OF THE MOON, Stephen Erikson
    THE NOTEBOOK, Agota Kristof

    i really like genre fiction written as literature, and i was hoping that moving into contemporary literature might give me more options for reading. plus i never used to read anything that isn’t sff. so i am trying to reach out a bit and generally pleased so far.

    anyway, i post this in case someone on my flist has similar tastes and can recommend me something i’d like. i’m very fond of genre-as-literary, mythic and historically influenced stuff, big world building, devastating emotions, broad vocabulary, and mostly woman authors.

    any recs??


    Posted on Bluesky.

    something about the title screen music for katamari damacy reloaded is so ominous

    na…na na na na na na na na na na na na na na

    Posted 4/7/24. Facebook.

    i described the basic conceit of Hannibal to my 13yo, with the whole passionate death-spiral between Hannibal and Will Graham, and they said “So it’s basically Doofenschmirtz and Perry the Platypus from Phineas & Ferb?” and my entire life is changed

    Posted 4/9/24. Facebook.

    I actually finished writing a book today. It’s wild, I haven’t finished a book in a year. I’ve been doing a zillion other things.

    This is Fated for Firelizards, the interactive novel I’ve been serializing on itch.io. I’m gonna finish posting it on itch and then edit a single-track novel version (Author’s Cut), so I’ll let y’all know when the Author’s Cut ebook is out. It’s NOT a Descentverse book, but kind of a fun silly thing. I think folks will enjoy it anyway.


    The other day, my eldest came to wake up Spouse and me. They were down at the side of the bed. It looked right to have their adorable face at that level. I was petting their hair and sweet-talking them, which they tolerated like a champ.

    Then they stood up…and up…and up…

    And I remembered this is a 13-year-old human who is at least six feet tall, and increasingly lanky, and I just turned into the Crypt Keeper then blew away into dust.


    Posted on Bluesky.

    my vacuum-insulated cup is so bananas. i made hot hot coffee this morning and didn’t touch it, and it’s STILL HOT??? i know this is new to nobody but myself lol

    it’s like friggin magic


    I have been watching ghost photos/videos with my kid and it’s the brightest part of the day, and I’m still never sleeping again


    hear me out: rootbeer float except it’s chocolate fudge ice cream in iced coffee

    Posted on 4/10/24. Bluesky.

    after watching x-men 97 i will never feel joy again

    Thank god for the comic book revolving door of death or else my whOLE WEEK would be ruined

    Posted 4/11/24. Facebook.

    Amazing how one minute I’ll be like “omg I’m the artist of all time” and then the next minute I’m like “MY ARTS IS THE WORST, I AM GARBAGE, THROW ME IN THE COMPOST PILE”


    Posted on Bluesky.

    Nothing reminds me how long it’s been since restarting my computer as effectively as Adobe products, which will basically just fart all over my monitors until I reboot

    Posted 4/12/24. Facebook.

    I’m so committed to trolling my 13yo. They’re VERY pleased to be taller than me, even when I stand on my toes…so I ordered platform heel Crocs. Yep. I’m going to wear 6-inch Crocs around the house and pat them on the head.


    I am “subscription to insoles for hip pain” years old.


    Posted on Bluesky.

    I just did a sinus nasal rinse and I think my brain came out, the pain, the burning

    Posted on 4/13/24. Bluesky.

    If you haven’t watched Scavenger’s Reign you’re living a hollow half-life, a shadow of humanity, unaware of the greatest adult animated show ever made

    Posted on 4/14/24. Bluesky.

    hoping that this analgesic will make my body feel less like shattered death, pray for me


    From now on, I am only sexting with cuneiform.

    Posted 4/15/24. Bluesky.

    playing frostpunk

    me + peasants: yay! we escaped the lords!
    the lords: “hey can we move in with you?”
    the game: WHAT A QUANDARY
    me: lol die in a storm, lords
    the game: …you must surely feel conflicted
    me: WE DO NOT

    the lords: yOu ToOk OuR EnGiNe
    me: frozen dead lords say what
    the lords: …what?
    the game: WHAT A QUANDARY!


    one of my friends is sending me screenshots from fallout 4, so i thought i’d grab it and try it

    it’s so buggy (STILL) that i had to go do some modding to even make it wanna run. oh bethesda. <3 now i'm into mods and it's making me wanna go back to skyrim again lol ~ Downloaded a zillion mods, now to see if it’s any worse at launching than vanilla

    Posted 4/16/24. Facebook.

    I wish Facebook would let me hide posts but not, like…take it personally. I believe if you hide posts at all, the algorithm says “oooh this is a Bad Post somehow” and will ding the visibility of the individual or the post (depending on the overall metrics). I need a “it’s nothing personal, but don’t show me this one again” button for when it keeps bringing up someone’s really personal post 10x over three days. Like, that wasn’t any of my business the first time I saw it, but that person has every right to post it, and I just think it’s weird Facebook keeps reminding me that xyz person is having family drama with xyz family member I don’t even know!


    My favorite gain from going fully sober and quitting cannabis? My singing voice is back, baby! Sometimes I start singing and startle myself with how full my range has become. I got so used to singing in a limited range because lower or higher octaves were so strained, and switching registers made things goOOoooOO crackLYEEYY.

    Basically I had to sing like the episode of Friends where Phoebe had a cold, but I’m back to being a wee lil songbird.

    The dreams are also rad. You’re not supposed to dream on cannabis (which is one reason people with PTSD love it), but I had dreams every night; they were just always a very specific kind of travel dream. Airplanes, cruise ships, trains. Very weird. But now I have a full spectrum of vivid dreams that are so wonderfully weird, I look forward to them every night. I can control them to a small degree. I usually dream about whatever I was doing right before bed. I was playing Fallout 4 last night, so I got Fallout dreams!

    I really miss the act of smoking. I have a lot of really fond memories of sitting outside in nice weather and smoking up a bowl. It’s hard to explain what a sensory pleasure that is, top to bottom: breaking up nuggets (the colors, the smell, the texture), grinding them finely, scooping it into a bowl, patting it down, using the lighter to toast the edge, that first inhale of creamy white smoke…

    But I figure it’s like a breakup from a romantic relationship. Of course I miss the nice things about her. I loved holding hands with her, and the smoothness of her neck, and the smell of her hair. I can’t have those things in isolation from all the things that motivated the breakup. That isn’t how life works. So I miss the smoking, and I say, “Thank you for the memories,” and then don’t do it.


    Posted 4/16/24. Bluesky.

    when i’m trying to talk myself into doing something, i call myself “self-bae” in my head

    “come on, self-bae, you don’t even need to do that much”
    “i know it’s hard, self-bae <3 you can do it" i know it is dorky but i used to be *really* hard on myself, so it's very healing to refer to myself like i'm my own girlfriend? my loved one? just soothing and reassuring myself ~ We dnf’d the fallout show on episode 2 on account of boredom ~

    Posted 4/17/24. Bluesky.

    Truly impressed and horrified by how many times my AirPods have enjoyed trips through the washing machine in my pocket


    extremely bothered seeing how people talk about their teenaged and older kids on the internet. like, you realize you made those things, right? you know they still can’t read your mind? you know communication is hard and growing is hard and nobody magically figures things out, right?

    i have some acquaintances who are not invested in having ongoing relationships with their adult kids, and i just hope they’re not unpleasantly surprised when those kids aren’t interested in having ongoing relationships with them either.

    recently my sibling told me that not everybody likes their kids, especially as they get older, and it has haunted me. i wonder if that intergenerational divide is normal? if part of growing *demands* friction? am i going to wake up one day and be sick of my teenager’s shit?


    i just love john leguizamo and dulce sloan on The Daily Show. i could watch the two of them every night forever. they’re so fucking out of pocket, it’s hilarious

    leguizamo acting like biden wants him “but we’re both married men, it would be wrong *saucy gaze*”


    playing games <<<<< playing games so heavily modded they're unrecognizable i enjoy adult mods for games, but i have to laugh at so many of the "sexy" outfits added. like people just cut random holes out and nothing looks remotely wearable (or even sexy!) and i'm like, girl, tuck your nipple into the strap, you're defying physics ~ no more agonizing over my letterboxd top 4. it changes weekly now. all movies are my favorite movies. chaos reigns.

    Posted 4/18/24. Facebook.

    Pulling together the “author’s cut” of my interactive novel is harder than I anticipated. I wrote *so* much material that only exists in one story track or another (meaning I have to go all over the file to see what I can possibly add), and a *lot* of text varies based upon reader choices. It’s one long personality test of a book, so…it’s a mess!

    Also, the chapters read differently without the page breaks/questions/illustrations. Once it’s just text, I see so many things I want to smooth and fill out. It’s a bigger editing job than anticipated!

    Fun project, though. Anything with dragons is fun.

    Posted 4/19/24. Facebook.

    Y’all, I had such a violent nightmare last night that I woke my spouse screaming his name in my sleep. Wtf? He thought something was wrong and got up to look for problems before realizing I was still asleep.

    I couldn’t wake up, it was dreadful. There was a demon possessing my house. I couldn’t shut the doors to keep it out of my bedroom. It kept appearing as my beloved late cat, Annie, in really disturbing gory ways. I have the St Benedict’s prayer memorized (crux sacra sit mihi lux, non draco sit mihi dux, etcetera) but all the prayer and salt in my dreams wouldn’t keep the demon out.

    This morning my spouse asked if he should wake me from dreams where I’m obviously distressed and the answer is OMG YES PLEASE DO.

    Weirdly, I fell asleep in a great mood. Nothing is wrong! I had a beautiful nighttime walk with my family under a very bright moon. I was so chipper. But not my subconscious, apparently.

    Posted 4/20/24. Facebook.

    I gauged up my ears today from 2g to 0g. I thought it wouldn’t be too bad because they used to be this size, but OWCH. It’s harder to do it to oneself, bc ow.

    Posted 4/21/24. Bluesky.

    i was really trying to get into fallout 4, but i’m just not clicking with it. i couldn’t click with fnv either. i guess fallout shelter is the only fallout i want, lol.

    i’m putting skyrim back on my computer. it’s still kinda my perfect game. which is weird! it’s the same engine as fo4!


    i have napped twice today and i slept a lot last night and i think i could just sleep all of sunday, literally

    i feel really good tbh, i walked a bunch yesterday in the sun and i think my body just wants to recharge

    i walked in the evening & thought i wouldn’t need sunblock. i was wrong. i’m slightly toasty. i have found that i get sun sickness really easily; i didn’t get sun sickness yesterday, but i was probably close. if i’d been out an hour earlier, i’d be dead today. instead i’m just deliciously exhausted.

    i’m not sure if sun sickness is a real thing tbh. i THINK i heard of it somewhere…it’s like where you burn, and your body has an immune response like you’re sick. i don’t have to be very burned to get some crazy flare. i really get very sick the day after even mild sunburns.

    oh well, webmd calls it sun poisoning (for whatever that’s worth). after sun, i get fever+chills, nausea, exhaustion, aches, dizziness, serious dehydration. did i mention i’m basically some swooning Victorian lady who faints over everything? like a walking ghost.

    (i do have two documented autoimmune conditions and god knows what else so this is pretty normal for me, tbh)

    (i am a delicate hothouse flower)

    OH i bet it’s also related to stretching my ears yesterday. i gauged up from 2g to 0g. i always have this weird shock response to piercings and tattoos. my poor body must have no idea what’s going on, stretching out my lobes (IT HURT) and then frolicking in the sun. “ahhh I’m dying”


    my head aches even checking in on publishing world drama. this is why i now randomly publish stupid shit for an audience of me, myself, and i.

    This isn’t about RTD, but rather gossiping authors and essays about authors who should go fuck themselves and etc.

    omg just go write your friggin books and chill out.

    There are extremes of “authors must always get along rainbows daisies” and “authors I disagree with should all jump off a bridge, and I disagree with everyone”


    Posted 4/22/24. Bluesky.

    there is SUCH a difference between walking two miles when it’s mild and walking two miles when Nevada is doing its whole sunny hot thing

    it was only like 80f but i’m still whooped. gonna be a heck of a summer when we get over 90-100f

    i can still walk outside when it’s that hot, but i start wetting down light scarves (almost like veils) and covering myself in them, and then also taking an umbrella as portable shade. not bad when it’s also windy. wish i had a stillsuit.

    Posted 4/23/24. Facebook.

    It’s incredible how I can wake up and chug a half gallon of water like it’s nothing. What happens to me overnight? Do I completely desiccate??

    I genuinely don’t eat that much salt, and i have an eye on my blood sugar so i can say i’m not diabetic

    i’m just a Thirsty Betch


    i told my kids to avoid internet content that seems specifically designed to make them angry (or feel other negative emotions) and it’s helped them a lot, so i am now sharing that advice with you

    click away from outrage, you’ll feel better.


    Posted on Bluesky.

    It’s really incredible my husband is still married to me when I will text him live updates from the toilet, and half the time he asks what I’m doing and I’m like “…modding skyrim”

    Posted on 4/24/24. Bluesky.

    But why is Dev Patel SO ATTRACTIVE

    Posted on 4/25/24. Bluesky.

    It’s maddening how many people wanna shove AI down our throats when all datasets rely on theft. So it’s like saying, “I have no choice but to steal to promote my books 🤷🏻‍♀️ don’t blame meeee”

    Just makes me realize how many people happily talk their way into ethical voids and truly do not mind being class traitors if it means they feel likelier to profit off exploitation rather than being exploited themselves

    (Spoiler: it won’t protect you, it’ll eat you too)

    And omfg it’s not that hard to learn how to Art, it’s completely natural to humans.

    And you’re not entitled to others’ nonconsenting labor if you don’t feel like doing that learning.

    Omg I really can’t talk about this I just go into constant outrage feedback loops it’s bad for my blood pressure

    Posted 4/26/24. Facebook.

    Yesterday I saw a trio of ravens mobbing a young hawk. The hawk was so small, I thought it was a dove at first. But doves don’t soar like that. I made out the ventral patterns when it came low enough. It was a hawk, just a baby, probably not long out of the nest.

    First there was one raven chasing it, making big heavy flaps with those big black wings. Amazing how fast they can move. The little hawk couldn’t seem to flap enough to get away from it. However lighter the hawk was, the raven was clever, and it seemed to know where the hawk planned to fly next. The raven kept cutting it off.

    Then came the other two, circling around to flank the hawk. You should have heard the noises. Sad, angry, fighting type noises. Squeaks and squawks.

    The aerial dogfighting was amazing to watch. They covered blocks of the neighborhood as the four of them swirled around, heading north until I couldn’t see them, then reappearing south of my position.

    Sometimes the hawk would fold its wings and suddenly plummet a hundred feet in midair, escaping the fog of shiny black feathers. But only ever for a moment. The ravens were too smart to lose it for long.

    I don’t know how the fight ended. It’s hard to imagine the hawk won. A bird that small can’t have too much energy, and the second it touched down somewhere, those ravens would have been all over it.

    There isn’t much room in the ecosystem for birds of prey. We already have quite a few, and they’re territorial. My house is part of a territory claimed by an older, larger hawk — one of the parents of the unlucky little guy. I guess this is one of the ways nature winnows down the numbers.

    I couldn’t cheer for anyone. I have a soft spot for hawks, but I admire these ravens specifically (they’re around a lot), and nature is just being nature. What a stark reminder of how unfair it all can be. Let’s hope the little guy found somewhere to hide and will move further afield, away from the ravens, away from the other hawks’ territories, and find a place his own.


    Granular edits on fiction are exhausting 😮‍💨

    I’m a big picture guy. I love working with plot-level edits. I have never been good at details, like copy editing and proofreading.

    But I am proofreading something now and my brain is like “no, please stop.” I’m taking breaks every chapter or so. I don’t know how anyone does this full time!

    Time to level up this skill tho ⬆️


    omg. just trucking along proofreading and discover i spelled a character’s name two different ways.

    in the same sentence.


    Posted on Bluesky.

    I got to pet three (3) dogs on my walk today which is a pretty good level of dog petting, I’m satisfied

    Posted on 4/27/24. Bluesky.

    Bluey is an emotional assassin


    Watching dog agility competition and feeling irrationally offended when they criticize a dog’s performance

    HDU every dog is perfect

    Knock over poles? PERFECT
    Skip an obstacle? PERFECT
    Murder the judges? PERFECT

    Posted 4/28/24. Facebook.

    I really thought quitting weed would eliminate my daily nap, but…nope. Two hours+ every day. And it feels like being reborn every day. ❤

    Posted 4/29/24. Bluesky.

    We keep getting angry letters from the school because we keep our 9yo home when he’s sick and they don’t like all the absences 🙃

    His grades are excellent, he’s a gifted-and-talented kid, and he always gets sick FROM SCHOOL. What are we supposed to do here exactly?

    1) I am not dragging him to a doctor every time he’s got symptoms of a head cold. Thats how you spread sicknesses further.

    2) nobody masks in this unventilated-ass school.

    3) even if they don’t care about disease spread, he deserves to rest when he’s sick! I’m not sending a miserable dude out.

    I’d say they can suck my dick but I don’t want their snotty faces near any part of my body


    Finally finished the Fallout show. It did pick up after the first couple episodes. I got into a vibe once we got to Ghoul and Lucy’s Fetish Funtimes. Looking forward to all the great novel-length Ghoul/Lucy & Dogmeat between-season fanfic we’re gonna get – also hoping for Maximus/Dane.

    If God hates monsterfuckers then why do monsterfuckers keep winning

    The whole Fallout franchise just doesn’t sit well with me. I don’t like the cynicism, I think. The 1950s retrofuturistic nostalgia, while purposeful, also just doesn’t do anything for me. I generally dislike Americana. But the actors were excellent, the story coherent, the effects decent.

    Maybe we’ll get an Elder Scrolls tv show at some point????

    Posted 4/30/24. Facebook.

    I showed my 13yo a picture of their brother as a little baby. 13yo: “Revolting. That looks like a can of biscuits that didn’t pop all the way.”


    13yo Moonlight and I encountered Canadian geese with fluffy yellow babies on our walk today. Aww! Right?
    NO, the geese were ENRAGED. They hissed at us! We ran!
    We almost got killed by dinosaurs!!!!


    Posted on Bluesky.

    Bsky threw a 20-year-old sexworker in my discovery feed and the full-body NO THANK YOU I felt was staggering

    I’m like omg I’m almost twice your age!!! I could be your mum. I support your life choices but I do not want to see your life choices in the bath please


    i watched a scary ghosts movie with my 13yo and now there are so many weird sounds in my bedroom suite

    and my 13yo won’t even sleep over in my bed tonight to protect me :< the 9yo is sick and needs daddy so it's just gonna be me, the cat, and SPOOKY WEIRD NOISES IN MY BEDROOM SUITE absolutely should not watch spooky ghost movies before bed, i am too susceptible to spooky ghost stuff in a way that no other horror does to me but 13yo wanted it 🎶the things we do for love🎶 my cat is being weird and staring through the doorway

    Posted 5/1/24. Facebook.

    The variety in books I’ve written the last few years is pretty bananas.

    I’m almost done editing Fated for Firelizards, which is incredibly lightweight (albeit brazenly didactic). It’s written in language almost as casual as my posts on here, with lots of “like” and “ish” and “you know, whatever” sort of attitude. It’s mostly supposed to get you from one sezzy scene with the dragon to another. Fun fetish content with plot made secondary. I usually put a lot of care into plot, so I feel paranoid and weird about how lightweight this one is.

    But! I also am doing deep edits on Atop the Trees, Beneath the Mountains, which is plot-heavy, and then some. It aspires to be a proper fantasy doorstopper like Wheel of Time, although it’s more obscure and anarchistic like Dune. The world building is intense; sometimes the language is archaic. It’s very much a multigenerational gothic romance epic. And gay.

    And I am also trying to finish a weird horror novel called “Insomniac Cafe,” which is NOTHING LIKE EITHER OF THOSE PROJECTS. It’s like Friends vs Fallout (the tv shows) done in the style of internet horror, a la The Backrooms. It’s surreal with a labyrinthine narrative and…insects. I just added 500 words of Rachel Green trapped in a septic system. It’s *gross*. I am told reading it makes everyone feel like they need a shower in Borax.

    Oh, and there’s a really heartfelt small town romance called “You’ve Got Nudes” I never published. Which I’d like to do this year.

    I think what this says about me is that writing like a hundred urban fantasy novels based on the same style guide, with similar tones, in the same universe, made me snap and go completely crazy and now I can’t write the same thing twice.

    Posted 5/4/24. Facebook.

    It’s not too hard to avoid doing specific things to your kids. “I will not traumatize them like THIS,” you thought as a child. And then you didn’t do THAT THING.

    But you did other things instead. And your kids thought, “I will not traumatize my kids LIKE THIS.” They probably won’t. They will inflict their own bespoke traumas.

    More important than anything, I think, is being open to listening to your kids. You can’t be perfect. You can, however, accept your kids’ feelings, listen to them, and forge real relationships based on growing. You can remain supportive instead of becoming defensive. Accept your own flaws so your offspring have room to process their hurts with you. Cuz there will be hurts.

    This is just something I’ve been thinking about a lot. Just gotta keep working on it together, as a team, like my kids and I are allies, instead of in opposition to one another between generations.

    It can be really hard not to flinch away from your own wounds (because kids having complaints/criticisms feels like getting stabbed sometimes) but embracing it is how you heal. I think? I’m still figuring it out.

  • bluesky,  facebook

    ̶m̶a̶r̶c̶h̶ every month is madness

    Posted on 3/13/24. Facebook.

    I’m still on Windows 10 and the urgings to upgrade to Windows 11 are getting more demanding. I’m like, nice try. I would still be using Windows XP if y’all hadn’t forced me to Windows 7, and I’d still be using Windows 7 if you hadn’t forced me to Windows 10, and we are WELL ESTABLISHED NOW that I am not going anywhere until someone shows up at my house and shoves a new computer into my arms.



    you can tell my husband loves me because he laughs at my really bad jokes

    me: next play-thru, i’m gonna respec everyone into bards and call it Barder’s Gate

    him: genuine hearty sustained belly laugh

    that’s true love

    Posted on 3/14/24. Bluesky.

    the anhedonia is STRONG today

    Posted on 3/15/24. Facebook.

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes. ❤ I spent my day disassociating tbh. Dealing with a lot of anhedonia and mortality-related anxiety. But mostly feeling nothing at all, except when I saw all the lovely birthday wishes of course! Definitely a bright spot in the ten-thousand-yard stare of death at my wall, wondering wtf life even means.

    I’ve always been really weird about birthdays. I had my first mortality-related meltdown when I was like, nineteen. Nuts, right? It’s some kind of anxiety trigger.

    I feel bad because I wanna show my gratitude for all the effort people put in around my birthday. I recognize it and genuinely appreciate it so much. But I feel uniformly horrible on the days surrounding my birthday. (It’s gotten markedly worse since 2020, when my birthday was the beginning of lockdowns!) My difficulty showing gratitude and pleasure is not at all a reflection on the love I receive; I just don’t have a filter and can’t conceal how dead I feel.

    Anyhoo, thinking about my 2020 birthday, I was just telling 13yo Moonlight how the person I was in 2020 doesn’t exist anymore. Much of my days are occupied with crochet and plants now. I did not have *either* back then. I devoted a LOT of time to dieting and exercise. I also never played video games at length because I was always stressed out in a working frenzy. I worked hard and played hard. Basically 95% of my time was mindless frenzy, and 5% was getting wrecked on vacations. Now I am sober (!!!) and extremely moderate in my behaviors. I am a whole different Sara, which has been a lot of work to achieve.

    My progress has been, in a way, a lack of progress – comfort treading water, finding smaller joys, spending time with my kids growing SO fast. It’s extremely strange to be an entirely different person every few years. This version of me is good too I guess. I’m still feeling pretty empty right now. Emotions will be back later, I assume.

    Posted on 3/15/24. Bluesky.

    i’m watching paula pell on seth meyers, and i’m wondering if sixty looks young to me these days because i’m getting older, or if people really just don’t age like they used to

    like she looks sixty, but…not an old sixty?? idk, my mom is also sixty and i swear sometimes she looks younger than me.
    i just got off a video call with my mom the other day and it was like this

    me: byyyeeee love you mommy

    *hangs up*

    me to sibling, in a monster voice: WHY THE FUCK DOES SHE LOOK YOUNGER THAN US

    Posted on 3/16/24. Facebook.

    I am not sure if anyone is okay. Are you okay? I often am not. But I strive to be loving, purposeful, curious, kind, nurturing, and overall authentic – a good mother to life and a good roommate with myself.

    Posted on 3/18/24. Bluesky.

    My 9yo introduced me to skibidi toilet and the phrase “sticking out your gyat for the rizzler” and I feel very, uh…educated?

    Posted on 3/19/24. Facebook.

    Breaking news: Writers ain’t robots. If it’s taking a long time to get a book out, we’re not happy about it either. It’s not about torturing you.

    Posted on 3/20/24. Bluesky.

    I’m out walking my dog and some car drove by with the window rolled down

    A masculine voice catcalled me

    He said “I RESPECT YOU!”

    it was my husband on the way to work.


    Little Sunshine is so thoughtful. I told him I was feeling all crampy from my period, and he ran downstairs to heat up a rice sock for me. 🥹 Didn’t even ask, his own idea, SO SWEET


    i’m trying to finish creating content for my FILTHY ASS interactive novel (just need a few more scenes and drawings and then to code it out), but i simply wish i would stop embarking on projects with key fetish content when i know i never wanna finish it. lol

    whatever my tolerance for writing/drawing sex is, it’s always about 50% of what i feel like a fetish-themed story demands narratively. my author sense says “i need scenes x, y, and z” and i’m like “woo, scene x!” and then “sigh, scene y” and then “i’d rather die than finish scene z”

    Posted on 3/20/24. Facebook.

    Charlotte Brontë and I are very excited to go through this New Surrealism book. It’s a really good read/flip-through so far. The binding is divine. I appreciate that it included a bit on dadaism so that I could use it as a homeschool lesson.

    My only complaint: I picked it up partially because I love Miles Johnston, but the Johnston pieces included are absolutely not his definitive work, nor my favorites, and I’m like. why these? WHY? This big beautiful printing doesn’t include the stuff that made him a notable name in surrealism. One of the paintings is a really nice one tbh, but I literally see movie posters emulating some of his more iconic work, none of which they included. Bah!

    Surrealism is a really fun art movement to approach with a teenager who isn’t sure about fine art, btw. Moonlight confessed they’re 50/50 on “fine art is good” vs “this is nonsense and you’re pulling my leg,” but I think that the internet’s love of memes, random humor, and dadaism helps sway them toward understanding surrealism.

    Posted on 3/21/24. Facebook.

    I have been escorted out of a coyote’s territory before. It’s super cool, kinda haunting, so magical. These are my favorite wild animal that live in my neighborhood (although the hawks and corvids are up there too). I am always surprised how many people *hate* coyotes.

    Bear in mind the statistics show overwhelmingly that coyotes do not present any threat to humans; last I looked, there had only ever been one recorded death of a human by wolves in the Americas (a solo female who broke her leg hiking), while coyotes haven’t killed anyone.

    If you dislike coyotes because of their risk to house pets, I will gently inform you that you should not have outdoor cats. They devastate the local bird populations. Your cat is *perfectly happy* indoors, no matter how much that liar tries to yell at you about it. Also, pet dogs belong inside, too, especially the cute little (delicious) ones. Cats and dogs have a lovely symbiosis with humans over the millennia; it is better for everyone involved if we keep them close.

    When you’re escorted or have a sighting in a populated area: I recommend coyote hazing. That means shouting, waving your arms, throwing rocks near them. You don’t have to hit them or anything. You just want coyotes to continue feeling like humans are scary and hostile and that we shouldn’t be sharing spaces. It will help avoid tragic interactions.

    Large predators are really important to a local ecosystem. We are also part of this ecosystem. It befits us to live alongside coyotes, wolves, predatory birds, etc. Don’t be afraid. Don’t hate. Just respect the delicate interconnectivity of nature and do your part by spooking the coyotes properly.

    Posted on 3/24/24. Facebook.

    Tom Ellis was really born to play Lucifer.


    There are so many things I’ve never done sober. Like Beat Saber. The game where you swing laser beams around to slice blocks in time with music. Never done it sober until the last week or two.

    Turns out I am so much better at Beat Saber while stoned. You wouldn’t think it, but there you go.

    Posted on 3/25/24. Bluesky.

    stepping away from my interactive novel’s code for two months while i was distracted/finishing the novel means i have absolutely NO IDEA where anything in the code is, or what it means, and i hate Past Sara sooo much


    i still can’t get over my 13yo being taller than me. i’m 5’10”. they’re at least six feet now. i don’t know what to do with myself. THAT CAME OUT OF ME.

    Posted on 3/26/24. Facebook.

    You know what kind of day it is? I had my phone pinging my headphones, and I could HEAR THEM, and I was looking for them everywhere. But the sound seemed to move.

    Because my headphones were in my pocket the whole time. Yyyyyeeeppp. It’s THAT kind of day.

    Posted 3/27/24. Bluesky.

    I need Kristen Stewart to dress me like a lesbian

    Posted on 3/30/24. Bluesky.

    I’ve been enjoying Beyoncé’s Jolene but I can’t stop singing “Gay Dean” from Community

    🎶 your lifestyle is alternative, your influence is positive 🎶

    Posted on 3/31/24. Facebook.

    Man, spring break is always chaos. Totally throws me off my stride…whatever little stride I’ve had this year, lol.

    But it really strikes me now that my kids are growing up so fast. 13.5 and 9.5 years old. They’re so much easier than they’ve ever been. They can entertain themselves when I need to take care of myself. Emotional self-regulation is at an all time high. Taking care of them when they were small was like getting emotionally run over, lol. Small kids are hard! Big kids are an absolute dream.

    I’m okay getting my “stride” thrown off ad infinitum for a few more years while they’re still mine.



    I got cactus spines in my hand and THIS TIME I remembered not to pull them out with my teeth (thus transferring spines to mouth)

    Please clap

    Posted on 4/1/24. Facebook.

    I’m reading THE BELL JAR for the first time and wondering if I should worry about how relatable it is

    Posted on 4/4/24. Facebook.

    I took Stoker on a walk early this morning, since it’s getting warm during the day. I try not to walk him when it’s more than ~65F outside because he pants too hard. He’s a French bulldog, and that means his sinuses are dreadful, his paws are delicate, and he’s a FANCY BOY who needs pampering. So we were out around 7:30 today (it gets more like 6am in the summer).

    Lately I’ve heard dogs barking in back yards long before I approach with my dog, but I don’t see anyone else out walking. I haven’t been sure what was getting the dogs wound up. Maybe just a morning bark?

    Today I saw the cause: A big ol’ coyote. She’s smaller than my pitbull and shaped more like a cat, and she moved like there’s no gravity. Just effortlessly bounding over sagebrush and slipping under trees. She kept looking at me over her shoulder as she ghosted into the fields.

    No wonder the dogs have had so much to say!

    I know there are coyotes on that trail because they mark it with scat and hear them crying at night. They sound like little babies. It jolts through me every time because I think I have to go check on one of my children…but they are big now and don’t cry out like that.

    Sometimes I’ll see coyotes off other trails carrying rabbits in their mouths, but I think I’ve only *seen* a coyote on that trail once before, and only at night. What a beautiful animal. I feel so lucky. ❤ I hope she’s enjoying all the rabbits because we had a warm, wet winter and everything is kinda overgrown!

    The toads in my backyard are also extremely numerous this year, which means I’m going to have even more garden snakes, which means I’m going to have even more red-whatevered hawks. (I can’t tell the species tbh.)

    I LOVE this time of year.

  • bluesky,  facebook

    end of winter ramblings

    Posted 2/25/24.

    I’ve seen art students go from stick figures to fully rendered oil painting style in less than four years of study. Most people don’t need to get that good, and you’ll start getting drawings you like a LOT sooner, and you also get loads of dopamine from the process.

    AI feeds into your insecurity. So many people are like “I’m going to sit down and do this!” and then they can’t handle the fact they suck at it, so they quit. To paraphrase Adventure Time, sucking at something is the first step to being awesome at something. You just have to accept sucking a lot for a while. Don’t be a coward.

    Use of AI to illustrate is cowardly and lazy. You’re going to be here in four years; the time will pass either way. Work on your shit. Take classes. Study technique broadly. Practice what you like a lot. (I mostly stick to an illustrative style and it’s REALLY SATISFYING)

    …I don’t like the grumpy tone of my own thread because I want to be nurturing rather than mean, always, but I get SO FRUSTRATED. this AI shit is death by a thousand knives. I struggle to be at my kindest when it feels so awful all the time.

    Posted 2/26/24.

    Why Is My Decade Old C-Section Scar Bothering Me Again? And Other Reasons I Find Body Horror Relatable: A Memoir


    repeating to myself: two dogs is enough, two dogs is enough, two dogs is enough–


    9yo Sunshine told me that emoticons are better than emojis. “Do you know what emoticons are?” he asked me, like I wasn’t using them twenty years before he was born.

    Apparently : ) is better at expressing emotions online than 🙂, which is cartoony and cheesy.

    I birthed tech hipsters.


    My 13yo and I were watching an interview with Biden from last night (the one on Seth Meyers). I knew what Biden was talking about so I could follow him, but it was difficult; 13yo couldn’t follow him at all. Then I put on the 2008 Obama acceptance speech and blew my kid away.

    I’m like, “Can you believe we ever had a president who could actually talk?” and they were like “wtf that happens?” They were born in the Obama era but don’t remember him. As far as they’re concerned, America is defined by Trump. Ain’t that depressing.

    fwiw Obama had a *lot* of problems because, you know, president of an incredibly violent empire, but also, on the shallowest level possible, he was *incredibly* attractive.

    I am biased toward Obama because his administration had such massively tangible helpful impacts on my life. Thanks to his admin, I had insurance through my parents until I was 26; I also *had* to be given space/time to pump at the office. I would not have been able to nurse Eldest without the ACA. I have always been Medically Complicated so I have an emotional attachment to the president spearheading the admin that spared me a lot of active fear and gave me better access to healthcare. god, his admin also passed the laws that let me buy my first house. like! they helped me so much.

    Posted 2/27/24.

    I was joking with my kid about naming our next dog “Jesus” and the idea is so funny to me, I can’t get it out of my head

    Imagine yelling for Jesus at the dog park

    Calling the vet to make an appointment for Jesus

    Posted 2/28/24.

    I must come to grips with the fact that I am fully a conspiracy theorist who loves random drama. For instance: I still totally believe in Fake Melania, Disney made “Frozen” so you can’t easily google about Walt being frozen,

    and I am SO eyeballs-deep in Kate Middleton conspiracies.


    snuggly bedtime with my 9yo is still just the best time <33 also brushing my 13yo's hair <33333 ~ I thought I could handle doing a Dark Urge BG3 run if I skewed toward redemption, but there’s no preventing what happens when [SPOILER] joins your camp and they are one of my FAVORITES and now idk I don’t wanna I get really attached to everyone in this game ~ After being off cannabis for a bit over a month now, I think it's safe to say that I am just a silly nonsensical person in general and that's not going anywhere. 😆

    Posted 2/29/24.

    Another smoldering migraine day. Can I just chop my head off maybe?

    Posted 3/1/24.

    I had two writing sessions today. I want to reorient myself toward writing-for-publication, but it’s been hard. I had to learn a lot of new skills to write my gothic fantasy book – it was extremely intense to write, and extremely meticulous to edit so far – but it was really easy to commit myself to writing sessions because it’s all I wanted to think about. Working on ATTBTM feels like a beautiful dark dream.

    The Descentverse never felt like that. It was something I wrote to cope because I didn’t have any coping abilities. You’ll recognize Rylie’s werewolf as a metaphor for mental illness run rampant and autistic meltdowns. Elise represents so much of my anger toward men (fathers in specific). My overwhelm from medical trauma, and a desire to be hurt, is all over Deirdre’s books. And so on.

    But nowadays…I feel better. I have other ways of working on my stuff. Which means I need to find a whole other way to write books that I’m not using to cope, and which aren’t a dreamy love affair like the gothic fantasy book. I want to be able to write projects that I *choose* rationally. I don’t need to do a *lot*. I just need to be able to put out a book or two a year that has some relationship to the market.

    This begins by finishing the most important outstanding projects: Fated for Firelizards and Young Swords. Neither of these scratch my happy itch. I don’t need to hide from reality in them. So how do I build a healthy working relationship with writing instead of… *gestures at the wasteland of my life*

    I think it’s going to involve scheduling somehow. Schedules are hard. BUT today I managed to get myself in for two writing sessions, and that is super good. Longer sessions, or a third session, could get me back to a reasonable rate of writing, but I think it’s gonna be more important to write *daily* since I like to spend whole days crocheting/drawing now. Gotta figure out how to balance it. I’m sure I can do it now.

    Once I’m done with those, I can finish my horror novel, and THEN I can start on the litfic I’ve been percolating. It’s a take on Bluebeard’s wife among the nouveau riche, it’s gonna be a real spicy one! The only other project that jumps to me is a cyberpunk-sorta thing that I’ve been percolating *even longer* (literally a decade now) but I kinda hope that publishing litfic will better position folks to understand what I’m doing with the cyberpunk thing.

    (I think this will also be easier now that I quit weed, but quitting caffeine is a special added challenge lol)

    Posted 3/3/24.

    As a loud, energetic, imaginative youngest child, it took me a LONG time to contextualize the Annoying label. I got it a lot. I still think of myself as annoying occasionally, but it’s okay to be a little annoying.

    I was just talking with my spouse about the labels we’re given in childhood and how they can really stick with us. I was also labeled Liar by my dad. Nothing I said could be believed. I was constantly told I was doing things I absolutely was not. I was an Annoying Liar. Y’all, that is a LOT for someone to come up with.

    I know some of y’all have come up with even more, even worse labels, and I think sometimes those attitudes follow us into adulthood when we should have long since let them go.

    Posted 3/4/24.

    i’m a lil bummed that my most popular review on letterboxd is currently snark about j.lo’s documentary. all the time i’ve spent writing thoughtful review essays, and of course the one that gets any traction whatsoever (still quite minor) is when i’m just snarking about batshittery.

    i remember the first time i read a sarcastic recounting of a movie. it was oooold internet, talking 2002, early livejournal. someone recounted the events of queen of the damned sarcastically. it was seismic! a major influence on how i regard *everything*. of course i also review like that sometimes.

    but i don’t really wanna do that as a THING because it’s also a little bit mean and it plays into our less-favorable instincts as humans. yk? i wanna have fun without the mean bits. it makes me wanna just delete the review. don’t LOOK AT THAT ONE


    Cutting caffeine out of my system has killed me. I am dead. Nothing works. Don’t have words. Life is sleep.

    Posted 3/5/24.

    I wish I had a salon chair at home tbh. I do everyone’s hair and I’ve started also doing skincare for my family, and it sorta feels like tending five people is excuse enough for the setup. I like fussing over everyone. It’s very pleasant. It would be easier if I could just sit them in a chair and recline them to a sink to do the wash/rinse. facials would also be easier like that.

    but salon chairs are not exactly small and it’s not like i can just…leave it in front of my kitchen sink. or any other sink. and once i start thinking about putting in a sink just for the chair, it gets into “too big/messy/expensive/complex” territory.

    Posted 3/5/24.

    Natalie Portman got divorced, so I’m pretty sure that means I have a chance

    Posted 3/9/24.

    did i ever tell y’all about the time i met a friend’s boyfriend for the first time, and he said “i don’t like man-hating feminists” and i whipped around to growl at him with demon eyes: “I AM THE MAN-HATING FEMINIST”?

    i’ll take “least surprising stories about sara” for twenty, alex

    Posted 3/10/24.

    My grandpa visited me for my birthday. It was also just his birthday.

    Me: Happy birthday!

    Grandpa’s girlfriend: He’s eighty-three now.

    Me: Wow, grandpa! You’re finally old enough to be president!

    I just had to share that with you guys because I think it’s the funniest I’ve ever been in my life.

    That said, this dude still fully does all his manual labor around the property (he has a pretty big acreage) and he’s sharp as a tack, which is why I don’t really care about any presidential candidate’s age. It’s all about policies. But that’s not the point of my story, the point of my story is that I’m hilarious.

    Posted 3/12/24.

    I know I’m an idiot because every time something I’ve written gets ripped off/copied, my reaction is mostly “good, you never could have made something that great on your own. Out here improving the mean quality of writing and not even trying 💅🏻”

  • bluesky,  facebook

    a couple weeks of wordvomit

    Posted on 2/12/24.

    I am getting my bff cat’s cremains back this afternoon and I’m a wreck all over again

    I have found I do okay the day after they die, and a couple days beyond, but receiving cremains makes it feel extra final and devastating

    Posted on 2/13/24.

    Sunshine wants to use my ouija board to commune with my cat Annie, who died a week ago today. On one hand, I want to encourage him to explore ways to process his grief. On the other hand, I’m still way too sad to feel up for a cat seance. On another other hand, what even is this life.

    Posted on 2/14/24.

    Playing BG3. Halsin hits on me. Invites me to be with him, and bring my boyfriend Gale. I’ve been really enjoying Gale. I broke up with Astarion for Gale. But I go tell Gale that Halsin is interested in sharing, and Gale is SO OFFENDED. I don’t actually want Halsin but I’m not owned by Gale.

    Torn because I am offended by how offended Gale was, but I wouldn’t pick Halsin over Gale, aside from this one element. The fearfulness and jealousy of forced monogamy is GROSS.

    omg all the monogamy i hate it so much, i belong to NOBODY but MYSELF. if i choose monogamy it’s from joy.

    irl i am ethically nonmonogamous (or polyamorous? idk the difference) but i haven’t dated in ages just because i’m so happy with my spouse and i don’t have any unfulfilled needs or desires, and we’re busy. so it’s like, chosen monogamy. i think that’s nice.

    possessiveness and jealousy is theeeee biggest turn-off in the world to me, i just don’t wanna be with gale anymore but idk that i’ll hook up with halsin either. just, i’m not into halsin in this play through. i’d rather be single than be with someone jealous and possessive.

    insecurity and jealousy should be approached with an open heart, curious mind, and full honesty. multiple relationships are never a competition but an expansion of one’s heart. i can (and have) love multiple people at once, the way i love both my kids, all my cats, and there’s no comparison

    really the main limiting factor with romantic relationships is time. i don’t have time for more right now. but i do flirt, and so does my spouse, and then we come home and over-communicate about stuff and reorient ourselves all the time, even though we usually find ourselves unmoved.

    in a video game i have played for 800 hours, time is not a concern. to say the least. lol

    give me the fantasy of healthy relationships that support rather than confine, stupid game.

    anyway gale isn’t a nice fantasy for me anymore so we broke up. Killdead the Slayer is single on the streets baby! watch out Baldur’s Gate!

    Posted on 2/15/24.

    My gothic fantasy book was written and edited entirely on psychedelic doses of THC, and this is my first time reading it sober-sober.

    Frankly surprised the book is readable at all, tbh. ahahahah

    God I love this thing

    Posted on 2/16/24.

    thinking about also pirating doc martin (i have an acorn subscription) just so i can watch ahead in the show without my 13yo realizing i’ve cheated on them

    maybe if i download the episodes to my ipad, disconnect from the internet, watch the episodes, then delete the app before reconnecting to the internet

    My first actual novel was a fabulous 100k-word fantasy novel about five girls who each controlled the elements in a world without men (I was 12)

    Before that I wrote the most amazing novel length Animorphs/Sailor Moon crossovers

    I didn’t start writing terrible books until my 20s tyvm shit was GOLD


    I did include lesbian relationships. Gender apocalypse books sometimes don’t.

    Babies were all divine foundlings or divine pregnancy, but gods were girls too.

    I did not have a nuanced understanding of gender and it was actually sex based. And I didn’t know about intersex conditions.

    My first major series published as an adult (after the teen werewolves) had a central intersex woman as the heroine and she remains my most popular ever character. I figured it out eventually lol

    My first fantasy book had the heroine dying and going to a Hell-like place! A recurring motif.

    The fantasy series led directly into my popular urban fantasy series, which I began drafting when I was 15, and reuses several elements from the fantasy book. When I tell you guys I have been at this for a long time, I really mean one thing specifically 💀

    It was all really excellent tho

    I am turning 36 this year and I wrote my first original novel about 1/4 of a century ago. It’s wild, man. I wrote that first book (and its fanfic predecessors) on an IBM compatible, in WordPerfect (iirc), saved to 3.5” floppy. Eventually upgraded to windows 3.1 with a GUI to make editing easier.

    I did my 8th grade book report on my own novel. My mom used to let me skip school whenever I was finishing a book. It happened 1-2x a school year. I wrote longhand in classes and told off teachers trying to interrupt me.

    I think 2023 is the only year since ~1998 I haven’t written at least one book*

    * I finished one novel from a previous year and started a couple others tho

    Posted on 2/17/24.

    I think 3/5 of my cats are autistic as fuck

    I have two cats that are normal levels of cat weird (which is Very Weird) but then I have three with obvious sensory processing issues that make them EVEN WEIRDER in various ways

    omg self do not even type out comments like “crush me mommy” on hot author lady photos without hitting enter, someday i will hit enter on my intrusive thoughts and there will actually be consequences

    i’m gonna complain in the style of an Internet Old via greentext. (if you don’t know what greentext is, just read these as a weird blog post, it’s fine.)

    > be me
    > login to website host to register a new silly domain
    > notice my payment info expired
    > panik
    > realize I have a Really Really Important domain that will expire in 2 weeks
    > domain is registered somewhere else completely
    > cannot login to Somewhere Else
    > try recovery with every email I know
    > fail
    > panik
    > submit request to recover account managing domain
    > will take 3 days
    > panik
    > consider backordering my own domain so i can bid on it if this fails
    > realize that this domain came from one place originally but does its management from yet another place
    > start logging into every related site via Really Ancient Email i barely remember
    > find that my payment info has expired on all the sites
    > autorenew is disabled for domain
    > cannot enable
    > definitely going to lose my website in 2 weeks
    > PANIK
    > update payment info literally everywhere because i can’t tell where the renewal actually occurs
    > still can’t enable autorenew
    > finally access Somewhere Else
    > update payment info there too
    > still can’t enable autorenew
    > can’t renew right now because that’s disabled too
    > initiate transfer to normal website host
    > still panik but less
    > remember that i have now asked to have access restored to domain management that i am simultaneously trying to transfer
    > worried but incapable of doing anything about it
    > realize i would have never remembered to check on this or do anything about it in time if i hadn’t quit weed
    > remind myself that never would have happened because i’m psychic and my psychic powers clearly compelled me to start this journey tonight
    > optimistic that everything will turn out ok as long as i didn’t clusterfxk it with multiple recovery attempts
    > suddenly 10pm
    > too wired to sleep, still kind of PANIK

    Posted on 2/18/24.

    I kinda think everyone should learn to crochet *only* to make socks. Socks are really fun and easy to make. Plus, I can churn out socks while watching tv/movies, and then I just like…have lots of socks around. I use yarn so distinct that they’re easy to scoop out of the laundry. They fit perfectly because I crocheted them to my foot shape. They become incredibly soft in the washing machine.

    also i had a great hair hour yesterday, between taking down my bun and brushing my hair. I’ve been trying to treat my hair like it’s curly to see if I’d get more of a wave pattern. Eldest Moonlight has the most amazing naturally curly hair, like big heavy ringlets, naturally as wide around as your fist, that lay across their back gorgeously. I suspect this happened bc of my family’s slightly-wavy genetics and my husband’s much-thicker hair follicles (mine is fine but dense). I mess with my hair so much (SO MANY CHEMICALS) that i don’t have a clue what my actual texture is like. But I’m sleeping with a silk bonnet, *usually* combing with a wide-tooth comb rather than brushing, squeeze-drying, and doing curly-specific conditioner, and it does seem to be helping waves form.

    FWIW moonlight loves having their hair brushed and played with and that makes me feel SO LUCKY. They got all the good genetics but at least i get to play with their hair

    If you’re an American, it’s really fascinating to search for the indigenous names for local features. I was looking up indigenous names for the Truckee River. My region sits on unceded land home to Washoe and Northern Paiute.
    Northern Paiute call the Truckee “Kuyuinahukwa”, wherein Kuyui- refers to a type of fish (the cui-ui) that you find in Pyramid Lake (called Kooyooe Pa’a Panunadu – note again the “kooyooe” as cui-ui). Washo calls Pyramid Lake “Á’waku dáʔaw” meaning Trout Lake.

    Meanwhile the Washoe have different names for different parts of the Truckee River, which makes a lotta sense. The river goes through a lot of different biomes between Tahoe and Pyramid Lakes and has different characteristics in these areas. Át’abi wá’t’a would refer to the Truckee nearer Pyramid; Dawbayódok refers to the Truckee nearer Tahoe.

    If you’re not familiar with my geographic region, Lake Tahoe is a cold alpine lake in the Sierras, while Pyramid Lake is in a much more arid region. You’d drive through there and say “oh this is a proper desert.” In between, we have a mix of wetlands and whatnot. The whole thing was prehistorically underwater in one giant lake mass we call Lahontan.

    It’s fascinating to think how definitional the fish in the system are/were to indigenous folks. The nation who live around Pyramid Lake have a name translating to (sorta) the Fish Eating People. When I think of my area, fish are the last thing I think about, but the source of water and food for our predecessors would *obviously* be so important. It should probably still be important. But life is so muddy on a day to day basis, I have so little connection to the actual hyperlocal conditions that I live among. My brain is on the internet, I eat stuff out of wrappers from a grocery store, I walk around a golf course inhabiting wetlands.

    Management of Pyramid remains in control of the Northern Paiute afaik, and I really wanna read more about local indigenous involvement in ecological matters. I believe that American land resources should all be under the management of the nations who used to manage them, but I don’t know what that looks like. How different would things look with non-colonial watershed management, food supply, etc? Why don’t I eat more pine nuts?

    One of the reasons I’m thinking about local indigenous populations is reading more about my own Irish background, and learning about indigenous Irish people, and kinda trying to draw parallels between my own ancestry and the indigenous folks I have as neighbors. My bloodline isn’t remotely noble or recently indigenous (we’re very working class city people), but we were cut off from our indigenous language only two generations back (for example) and it’s fascinating piecing together a puzzle of what human life looks outside of empire.

    (My apologies if I have shared any improper detail or inappropriately Westernized spellings; my intent is to be accurate & respectful but I am not fully aware of my own biases, as most people are not and cannot be, and it’s wholly possible I am being unknowingly offensive somewhere here.)

    still waiting for my 13yo to realize that having young parents means that their tastes are nearer my cringe tastes than not

    gonna laugh my ass off when they realize mid-Millennial and Gen Z/Alpha cusp are not so different and start looking at real estate on zillow for fun

    mock me now, beloved offspring, because if you mock too long into the abyss, the abyss will mock you back

    Posted on 2/19/24.

    I’m slowly studying French. If y’all want a recommendation: I’m really enjoying an app called “Learn French” by Reword on iOS. It’s not expensive, like $10/year? I really like the flash card and review method.

    This is mostly for expanding vocabulary, not learning language rules. I’m also watching dubbed Disney movies and bothering my family by gargling random French words in their direction. Like grabbing my kid’s ear and shouting “l’oreille!” and saying aujourd’hui every time I have any excuse.

    Posted on 2/20/24. Facebook.

    The ONLY thing I don’t love about French is having l’accent aigu est l’accent grave. You don’t need two. Pick one.

    I’ve been having funny heart symptoms since I quit weed. Not sure how to describe the sensation. Just like, I can feel my heart sometimes, like it’s beating funny, or I’m anxious for no reason. It’s an incredibly common experience quitting weed, but I thought I ought to get myself into the doctor for an EKG regardless.

    The *important* part of this story is that my EKG doesn’t show issues, although she heard a PVC while listening to my heart (beating “out of order”). We’re gonna look at my thyroid again because I do have a thyroid autoimmune disorder and if that’s all good then I’m going to see a cardiologist for a more thorough scan. But right now everything seems ok.

    The *unimportant* but *hilarious* part of this is that I saw a new-to-me nurse practitioner. She’s so hot. Probably around my age, dirty blonde, slow to speak, very dry and sarcastic. Soooo hooootttt. I was VIBING ON HER. And I think she liked me too (probably not in a gay way) so we were bantering.

    Well Hot Nurse is listening to my heart. She’s standing close enough that I can smell her perfume even through my mask and I’m getting all ~gazey~ at the pretty lady. She remarks, “Well, your heart rate just went up.” My husband SNORTS. He instantly knows I am in a GAY PANIC.

    So I had to lay through this EKG for my heart rhythm when I am bantering with the HOTTEST SARCASTIC NURSE and I’m like, lady, you’re gonna have to be way less hot to get reliable results out of this. (I did not say this part out loud.) But she kept remarking on how my heart was perfect, just perfect, and I’m like, omg you’re perfect.
    My husband was just cracking up, he loves witnessing me do a lesbionic flopsweat. I was grinning the whole way home lmao.

    I had a doctor appointment today. She walks in and asks if some program can listen in via her phone to make transcripts easier, analyze the appointment for the associated hospital, etc.

    I asked, “Is that powered by AI?” Yes. Yes it was.

    reader, how quickly i said no

    i let them use me for medical student practice and stuff, i honestly have no shame. but i’m also a writer and artist and at this point, if i can say “NO” to having AI absorbing *any* part of my life for usage, i’m gonna say no.

    Keep thinking about an author who posted something that said (paraphrased): “everyone has books they read to make them feel better about their writing, don’t lie”

    Because I seriously don’t and i don’t know why you would

    I am very secure in my writing. But even if I weren’t, why would it make me feel better to get judgy and mean about someone else’s writing? What would I learn from that? Would it make me feel more confident REALLY, or would it make me think people hate-read me to feel better too?

    Writing is so subjective. I am a really good writer and still, loads of people have no time for what I write because it’s not to their taste.

    Very few people write to my taste. That doesn’t mean the rest of the world is *bad writers,* but just kinda up to something else. Yk?

    I have increasingly little time for commercial genre fiction because I find it hollow, unambitious, and inauthentic. Hate-reading would only make me feel worse. I still would never say it’s Bad Writing because it’s like falling in love…there’s something for everyone.

    Professional jealousy is completely normal among authors; it’s weird and difficult to handle. I have never found that feeding into professional jealousy will give me anything. Good things always come out of acceptance and collaboration.

    I think the professional jealousy thing springs from personal insecurity. A desire for external validation you aren’t getting. Writing is one of the most vulnerable arts (imo) because it’s very unfiltered and personal and solitary; you’re REALLY putting it all out there.

    What’s strange about publishing success (probably all successes) is that none of it is going to make you feel better if you don’t figure out how to internally validate yourself. It will never be enough. You will always want something else. Even once you get your type of success, you can be bitter.

    It’s a brutal industry; odds are never good. It can be frustrating to see others succeed and feel like you lost that opportunity. But you didn’t lose an opportunity. You weren’t gonna get that thing. There is nothing to be jealous over. Literally nothing. You must be secure in yourself + writing.

    This isn’t about anyone in specific. I’ve just been around ages and the Professional Jealousy Bear rampages all over. I don’t know many people who haven’t struggled with it tbh. But some people really feed into it and that’s why you get some VERY strange author drama.

    Looking for validation from an industry with extremely narrow odds of the loftiest success is a quick path to misery. It’s never gonna heal your hurts. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t strive for success. Just means you should also strive to feel good inside yourself despite it.

    Posted on 2/22/24.

    If you’re feeling bleak about the news today, make something. Anything. Make something pretty or ugly and awkward or meaningful or silly or…whatever occurs to you. Build something new. Add something to our world.

    Currently reading My Year of Rest & Relaxation. Just finished Boy Parts.

    It’s weird reading litfic in the subgenre of “horrible women being dreadful” because I relate *so* strongly. I’m like, oh, who went and wrote about my entire twenties for me?

    I should write one of these books. It’s basically the horror for the mundanity of a white woman’s existence writ large.

    Posted on 2/23/24.

    I wish I were an owlbear.

    Posted on 2/24/24.

    I want to start a web ring for people who maintain websites that are interesting, independent, and mostly not paywalled. We’re losing an internet where we could have All The Information straight from passionate interesting people and discoverability engines are just about selling products.

    This isn’t a project I’m embarking on just yet, but eventually I do actually sincerely want to make an old-fashioned web ring. It’s how we used to find our way around to random interesting and semi-related websites in the 90s. Literally you’d have a couple buttons on your site that led to others.

    Thing is, I’m not even sure where to go looking for people who have fun independent websites these days. All the interesting people are still on social media or some platform or other. Substack and Patreon have paywalled most blogs of substance and benefit dodgy companies.

    Nobody seems to have the time, money, or inclination to wing it anymore. Or at least, if they are winging it, the discoverability engines are making sure it never crosses into my space!

    (oh, medium is another one, medium is also where a lot of the people are atm)

    My lil blog Egregious is almost entirely movie reviews, though it does have flash fiction, short stories, personal diaries, etc too. Basically wherever my ~special interests~ have been leading me. I just wanna have a web ring with other people who have ~special interest~ websites. It’s my dream.

    I am so sober you guys~ ❤

    Over four weeks without weed now. I’m still “peeing dirty” (which is to say, my tests are positive) so it’s STILL in my system aplenty. I think withdrawal is really going to just be a long slope of symptoms cresting and receding as my brain/body reorganizes itself. I’m certainly not at a baseline yet.

    If anyone else has an addiction history, here are thoughts I find helpful:

    1) Whatever problems (in the world or in your life) send you to ~Substances~, remember the ~Substance~ isn’t going to change it. Period. At best you get to turn your back on it for a few minutes (but does it reeeaaally console you? be honest). All you’ve done is spent money on another problem to babysit.

    2) Withdrawal means you’re free. You don’t have to have the Thing around anymore, you’re not captive to the need to keep it around, you don’t have to pay for it. Use cravings as a chance to think “Ah ha, that’s the sign I’m getting out of this! I’m freeeee~”

    Also: if you’re addicted to something (especially something with a high-demand pattern like nicotine), you’re already experiencing lots of withdrawals in between using. So you’re actually dealing with it already. Don’t drag it out. Face the withdrawal and it’ll end this time, *forever*.

    These two thoughts are actually so helpful that I’m quitting caffeine at the same time I’m dealing with the weed stuff. When I left nicotine, I was so shaken, it took me over two whole years to work myself up to quitting weed. I think if I’d understood these (should-be-obvious) things, I might have quit weed sooner. I can handle weed + caffeine now. Kinda cool.

    I also would have quit sooner if I’d known that weed would be easy! The dependency is NOT the same. Weed really is a friendlier friend than the other guys, but it was weighing me down. The relationship didn’t serve me anymore.

    It’s nice that I have positive associations with weed but don’t wanna use anymore. It feels like I’ve broken up with a girlfriend who I’m still distant friends with. I think break-ups are almost never failures, but a natural stepping stone in life, and it’s healthy to say “thank you, I have so many fond memories, I love what I got from you, but it’s time to move on.”

    Unlike with nic and booze where I’m like “omg f0ck you so much, you f0ckerito.” Still pretty shaken by my experiences with those. No love lost. Abusive boyfriends, the both of them.

    Fond feelings about weed aside, I’m looking forward to having non-stoner cognition back…at some point. I still can’t keep track of a darn thing. Where are my headphones? I literally JUST HAD THEM. A month out and I’m still halfway tonked. omg. you guys.

    wake me up when timothee chalamamalala is walking around ass-out in the robot titty suit.

  • facebook,  writing

    Character blocking – less can be more

    I’m enjoying the work of reading the first Malazan book, but the prose itself, I do not like. The amount of character blocking bothers me. I get why the author does it (you can find his analyses of a scene or two online) but…it doesn’t read well for me.

    Character blocking is something most writers I know do. Including myself!

    I say “blocking” in the manner of a stage play. It is describing many small gestures of a character that doesn’t meaningfully add to a scene, or just doing it to excess. Character blocking is a broader way of describing something that is *usually* Eye Choreography.

    X looked at Y. He looked away.
    Y’s gaze cut to the ground.
    X looked at the thing, and then he looked at his sword.
    He walked to the bar with his gaze averted.

    There are two issues here.

    1) A book is less like a stage play and more like an impressionist painting you create in a reader’s mind. Broadly describing behavior will allow readers to fill in gestures themselves.

    2) Gestures don’t mean the same things to everyone. It’s unclear. I just touched a hand to my chin. What am I doing?
    Is this a thoughtful hand?
    Am I messing with a blemish?
    Am I hiding the cleft in my chin?
    Maybe I’m about to say something.

    Looking at things or moving your hands or whatever can definitely be relevant, necessary scene information…sometimes. *Writing* it can also be totally necessary for *you*, the author, to work out where things are in the scene and what is happening. YOU know why the character is Looking.

    A character’s mood and physicality can be conveyed throughout the scene in MANY ways. It should form a greater picture for readers. Save specific gestures for when you wanna “zoom in.”

    In editing, I get rid of all blocking except the stuff that makes a scene *less* confusing.
    If he absolutely needs to look at the window or nobody is going to realize he’s talking about someone outside instead of inside the room, then yes! Block that. It zooms us in on that “look.”

    But remember: Gestures mean different things to different people. A lot of people can’t read body language at all, even on the page. You are adding gestures that “zoom focus” without adding more information or experience for the reader. I am exhausted constantly zooming focus on characters’ faces when their whole bodies exist and inhabit a setting.

    There are alternative beats you can use, if you want to confer a pause in dialogue (though I think you can let readers infer a lot about dialogue cadence too). I will favor beats that embody characters in their setting in meaningful ways.

    I really like beats that add *new* description to a character or setting. That breaks up big blocks of description and adds color and vivacity.

    I also like character-specific beats. One character might mess with his ear a lot. Another has antsy feet. One can’t stay sitting.

    Using character-specific beats consistently across scenes, chapters, and books helps fix a character in the reader’s mind. And the reader will bring biases about the character to fill in smaller gestures (X looking at Y, then away) as appropriate to their personality.

    In Malazan, Character Blocking is frequent. I know from reading the author’s analyses of his scenes that he does intend these lines to confer information. “By looking at the sword, Tattersail is thinking xyz.” He doesn’t actually intend for anyone to know what that means though. The author generally doesn’t care if anyone knows what he’s talking about. While I respect the attitude, I find that his reliance on blocking to express information he doesn’t care about conveying isn’t NEARLY as well-thought-out as his worldbuilding details.

    I dislike the insulting connotations of “lazy” when I mean “convenient at the expense of quality,” but lazy is the word I think reading a lot of this dialogue. Perhaps less lazy, more cursory? Like “FINE I guess people have to inhabit this world I’m writing, and they talk.”

    Likewise, I can’t say the prose on Malazan is bad when what it actually is, is that the writer and I have way different priorities. That’s all.

    I see my prose on this level as the Welcoming Center of my book. It needs to get out of the reader’s way so that my story and world can thrive. I want my language efficient and my meaning clear. I am not deliberately puzzling anyone, unless the specific intent of a scene is to puzzle, and even then, I will communicate it wholly differently.
    Efficiency of language can be so beautiful.

    Malazan is legendary for its complexity, opacity, and demands upon the reader’s patience. The world and experience of conquering the books makes this worthwhile. For my writer friends, I suggest editing out Character Blocking in draft 2 because you aren’t writing Malazan, probably. Don’t worry about the rough draft. Write whatever you have to write in the rough draft. But consider taking a scalpel into your scenes to excise all but essential blocking.


    Blocking (and especially Eye Choreography lol) is super common in some areas of fiction. It’s an instinctive thing. We’re trying to think our way through a scene and conversation and we put in unnecessary information while we work it out, which is better removed later, imo.

    A story written so minimalistically need not be dry – action and dialogue alone can still be compelling if your story is compelling. I do like to add some physicality of gesture, commentary, inner thought, etc on those things, and that’s nice too.

    A novel writing class is probably bringing some of these thoughts out because I’ve had to read Hemingway. Hemingway does not do this in his dialogue at all, and his dialogue is still effective (imo).


    “Santiago,” the boy said to him as they climbed the bank from where the skiff was hauled up. “I could go with you again. We’ve made some money.”
    The old man had taught the boy to fish and the boy loved him.
    “No,” the old man said. “You’re with a lucky boat. Stay with them.”
    “But remember how you went eighty-seven days without fish and then we caught big ones every day for three weeks.”
    “I remember,” the old man said. “I know you did not leave me because you doubted.”
    “It was papa made me leave. I am a boy and I must obey him.”
    “I know,” the old man said. “It is quite normal.”

    Then we can look over at Gardens of the Moon by Stephen Erikson for the other end of things.

    “Are you the last left in the cadre?” he asked.
    She looked away, feeling brittle. “The last left standing. It wasn’t skill, either. Just lucky.” […] She heard Hairlock laugh, the sound of a soft jolt that made her wince. “The tall one,” she said. “He’s a mage, isn’t he?”
    Whiskeyjack grunted, then said, “His name’s Quick Ben.”
    “Not the one he was born with.”
    She rolled her shoulders against the weight of her cloak, momentarily easing the dull pain in her lower back. “I should know him, Sergeant. That kind of power gets noticed. He’s no novice.”
    “No,” Whiskeyjack replied. “He isn’t.”
    She felt herself getting angry. “I want an explanation. What’s happening here?”
    Whiskeyjack grimaced. “Not much, by the looks of it.” He raised his voice. “Quick Ben!”
    The mage looked over. “Some last-minute negotiations, Sergeant,” he said, flashing a white grin.
    “Hood’s Breath.” Tattersail sighed, turning away.

    That is some dialogue from the beginning of Malazan, which I personally feel is too much blocking. The information conveyed is not important and it breaks up the conversation too much, distracting from the way the conversation is meant to propel the scene.

    But again, as I said above — This is an issue of different authorial priorities. The author here think it’s important we should know that the cloak this mage is wearing is heavy in the middle of an explanation about the situation and people in the situation, and I think it’s too much.

    (I originally posted this on Facebook on 2/12/23.)

  • bluesky,  facebook,  tsfka twitter

    Punxsutawny Says Spring

    Posted on 2/2/24. Facebook.

    I am so obsessed with 9yo Sunshine’s energy and confidence. I found a school paper that he graded for himself. He only spelled 2 out of 8 words correctly. He graded himself with an “F+” and then wrote “bad but still good” next to it. He can’t even fail himself without getting cheerful about it. He invented F-plus! lmao

    He’s got a little speech about how nobody is perfect, which means he cannot be perfect, but to him that seems to mean that being 70% awesome is actually 100% awesome and the other 30% is just inevitable humanity.

    I had really really awful self-esteem for most of my life. I felt absolutely radioactive until I met my spouse, and even then it took over a decade to genuinely internalize my self-worth. I don’t think Sunshine’s ever going to deal with that. It’s a massive relief, and also extremely charming.

    (I spelled perfectly at his age, fyi, and got 100% regularly, and I was an absolute wreck disaster human. I prefer bad grades from a happy kid than good grades from a miserable kid.)

    Posted on 2/3/24. Facebook.

    You know what’s funny? My older sibling tells me that I was the first in the family to “come out,” but I have zero recollection of it. Apparently I formally told my mom that I liked girls before my siblings did. (I’m the youngest.) I declared myself bisexual.

    I don’t even know that I’m bisexual now, lmao. My younger, forgotten self was so confident. I got crushes on girls and boys and That Was That.

    It was probably so unremarkable because I wasn’t afraid of my mom’s reaction. I DO remember her telling me that she would always love me, no matter who I loved. I was very young in this memory. I think we were playing with Barbies. I was probably doing something weird and gross and unselfaware, like making my mom watch two Barbies scissor. Parents know! Kids can’t hide for crap.

    This is odd to me, I guess, because my sibling is transgender and I’ve always just thought of them as The Queer One, placing them up on a rainbow pedestal in my heart. They are the one who asked for different pronouns; they are the one who made it clear their bio-sex was not just wrong, but an uncomfortable fit; they crashed against homophobia all the time just for existing. I advocate for them at the doctor’s office and step in to enforce proper pronoun usage with other people and do whatever I can to protect my sibling’s right to be themself.

    I take my own queerness for granted because I camouflage. I’ve dated women, but I’m married to someone AMAB with a beard; I married him wearing white and we made babies together. Neither of us tell anyone IRL that neither of us consider our genders to align with our sexes. Not that we’re hiding. It just seems irrelevant, and anyway, nobody seems to understand if we try to explain it. I think you can only start to grasp exactly what a gay relationship we have after spending a while with the two of us. Sometimes we are like a sapphic relationship, both of us women. Sometimes we are gay as fuck, like two dudes. We virtually never fall into m/f style roles, except by accident. Our fluid gender identities are part of our couple identity, too.

    My beloved sibling calls me Woman+ in terms of gender. I like being a woman. I am not only a woman. If gender identities could be written down like states on the map of America, my location would not be a dot like a state capital, but a blob of weather that encompasses the entire west coast with fingers across the northeastern seaboard. I am a woman in the most basic of ways, and then something happens and you’re suddenly hanging out with a Reddit neckbeard who talks like gay Dane Cook.

    I am most often a man in romantic situations with women; I’m a gay man with men; I am jarred and confused when I meet men and they treat me like a ~woman instead of a masculine peer. But in social situations with women, I’m a woman. I also definitely do not want to look androgynous. I want to look feminine, but get received as a man. I feel silly trying to explain the amorphous boundaries of my gender. Like, nobody’s even gonna take me seriously. Why bother? People don’t think my climate is even real. “All women feel like that,” say people who have no idea what I’m talking about.

    So I just don’t bother, really. I’m just Queer and that’s that. But somehow, when I was young, at a time I don’t even remember, I knew that I was bisexual enough to announce it and then forget about it, and I think that is SO INTERESTING. Some critical piece of personal history I’ve got no memory for.

    Posted on 2/5/24. Facebook.

    I’m on day 10(?) without weed. I’ve been having emotions all day and haven’t wanted to relapse. I started *really* over-using when my first cat died, so it’s a testament to the coping skills I’ve been working on.

    I’m still not very thinky. A lot of the fog from weed has passed, but my emotions are very surface and it’s taking a lot of effort to write anything that makes sense. (Which you might not be able to tell by the amount of posts I make…lol)

    The main thing I’m doing to pass the time is hanging out on sobriety support forums to talk with people. I always find congregate therapy settings valuable. I’m not doing stuff IRL right now, but online is basically as good.
    Mostly people in group therapy need validation, and peer validation is really effective. There’s really nothing so loving as a recovery group. And I’ve made it so that if I feel a craving, I just…go online and talk to people about how to manage cravings.

    I am extremely sad and crying a lot because of my cat, and all the associated feelings, but I also feel really healthy about it so that’s good I guess.

    Thank you to everyone who has been sharing love and support. It means a lot to me.


    King Charles has been diagnosed with cancer after his prostate surgery. They haven’t released details on his prognosis, but it is serious enough that his estranged son is flying out to visit.

    I think it’s interesting that this does somehow align with Nostradamus’s predictions, if you squint. Here’s the relevant quatrain, which some have read to mean King Charles:

    Because they disapproved of his divorce
    A man who later they considered unworthy
    The People will force out the King of the islands
    A Man will replace who never expected to be king

    So…if you squint.

    I don’t hold any opinion on Nostradamus because I am currently in flux (kind of in the “I have no idea what I believe about anything” place) but this has often been read to mean that Charles would be unpopular, abdicate, and someone not-William would inherit.

    Interestingly, Prince William has been saying things that indicate he *isn’t* interested in the traditional monarchy, including being head of the Church of England. But he has also shown signs he would like to take over for his father on his own terms.

    I don’t think Prince William’s personality would permit him to willingly step aside, though. There were whispered rumors of William & Kate divorcing – which would be unpopular after her hospitalization – so Nostradamus’s quatrain could also potentially apply to Wills.

    Or it could all be UTTER NONSENSE and it’s just interesting to watch history happening in real time and we could probably bend/stretch/squeeze this prophecy to fit *literally anyone*. I mean, if the new King of Denmark divorced his wife (who would probably be happy to escape the dude), this could also apply to them. yk? and the monarchy in Denmark has been “slimmed down” so I could imagine odd succession happening there.

    I truly cannot imagine a likely scenario that would lead to King Harry and Queen Meghan, but you’re going to see people talking about this a lot in the weeks to come anyway, and this quatrain is a significant reason why.

    Posted on 2/6/24. Bluesky.

    freestyling about how much i love my nebulizer while assembling a new mouthpiece

    i love my nebulizer
    love a bronchiodilator
    iprutropium bromide for
    making me breathe more
    take my albuterol now
    like i’m a boss who breathes now

    …sorry i’ll stop

    Posted on 2/8/24. TSFKA Twitter.

    i wasn’t going to see dune 2 in the theater because i’m a fussy bitch about splitting movies into episodes released years apart (how dare). but. the dune 2 popcorn bucket is gonna make me do it. and i’m mad that i’m this cheap. stupid dune 2 popcorn bucket.

    Posted on 2/9/24. Bluesky.

    New cat owners are so funny. I keep coming across posts where people are like “what’s wrong with my cat? It will push everything off my lap and climb on my face and never stops rubbing on me and meows at me every time I move.”

    It’s love. Your cat loves you. Lmao

    The more annoying a cat is, the more they love you. Rub them and talk to them in a baby voice. Accept your servitude. Your lap is theirs. This is why you got a cat.

    “Why does this cat purr the instant he sees me even if I’m not doing anything?”

    YOUR CAT LOVES YOU, this is supposed to happen! I think new cat owners expect their cats to be aloof, sort of decorative, and just aren’t ready for the fact cats are clingy little weirdos (which is why I love em)

    Posted on 2/11/24. Facebook.

    Two weeks sober now. Woo woo! Mostly unremarkable. However, I spent the last few years only having one kind of dream (travel dreams), and now I’m having all sorts of bizarre dreams.

    Like I dreamed about having four boyfriends last night. Four BOYfriends. Wtf is my brain even thinking?

    (I am definitely also attracted to men; I just have way more exacting standards and don’t trust dudes easily, so the idea of finding four men I’d bang at once is ridiculous to me! OTOH if four women were like “join us Sara” I wouldn’t have enough a brain to even ask questions.)


    I was finally honest with myself and bought MARRY ME with Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson. I didn’t think it was a very good movie the first time I watched it. It’s all I want to watch right now, and frankly Jennifer Lopez romcoms are all I want to watch about 60% of my waking hours.

    When I say “Jennifer Lopez romcoms” I do in fact mostly mean THE CELL (2000). It’s a romcom between JLo and ME.