• sara reads the feed

    Don’t be shitty, don’t have thoughts, don’t have glp-1

    I don’t have much commentary right now because my brain has announced it doesn’t plan to function today. Trying to grab at thoughts is like trying to grab laser beams in drifting dust.


    I’ve been listening to sahn this week. Her music is a chill, bittersweet vibe – one of love and loss. The mood is no surprise given that sahn is Chadwick Boseman’s widow, Simone Ledward Boseman. Imagine a more aurally sparse and grief-focused Solange that sparkles like morning light through a prism. Much recommended.


    Florida’s manatees may be recovering. (NPR) We love a community of happy sea cows!


    North Carolina healthcare plans are cutting coverage for GLP-1 products prescribed for weight loss. (Ars Technica) These shots can cost a ton of money. It’s important to preserve supply for diabetics anyway, but I foresee a world (which we may already live in tbh) where being medically skinny is entirely a class indicator, and the movers and shakers of world culture no longer have any motivation to support body positivity. I suspect we will move away from body diversity in pop culture, basically, as the ruling class continues use medications and surgery to trim down, while poorer people have medicalized weight loss dangled at a distance and are judged for its absence. So you know, business as usual in a society without a flat hierarchy.


    Reactor (formerly Tor dot Com) shares a trailer for a National Geographic programme about Black people on the American side of the space race. Here’s the synopsis:

    The Space Race weaves together the stories of Black astronauts seeking to break the bonds of social injustice to reach for the stars, including Guion Bluford, Ed Dwight and Charles Bolden among many others. In The Space Race, directors Lisa Cortés and Diego Hurtado de Mendoza profile the pioneering Black pilots, scientists, and engineers who joined NASA to serve their country in space, even as their country failed to achieve equality for them back on Earth. From 1963, when the assassination of JFK thwarted Captain Ed Dwight’s quest to reach the moon, to 2020, when the echoes of the civil unrest sparked by the killing of George Floyd reached the International Space Station, the story of African Americans at NASA is a tale of world events colliding with the aspirations of uncommon men. The bright dreams of Afrofuturism become reality in The Space Race, turning science fiction into science fact, and forever redefining what “the right stuff” looks like, giving us new heroes to celebrate, and a fresh history to explore.


    This isn’t the most recent article, but I’ve been saving it a couple days – it looks like we might have found Amelia Earhart’s plane? (NPR)


    Lee Hutchinson was not amused by Elvis’s series, Masters of the Air. (Ars Technica)


    Tom Selleck talks about how he was in over his head while appearing on Friends – on the comedy end of things, anyway – and how Matthew Perry helped him with funny line readings. It’s nice seeing people reminisce about him with such love. (Variety)


    BookRiot shares 100 Must-Read New Books by Black Authors.


    Here’s a fun article about weird virus-like obelisks found in the human mouth. We still don’t seem to know all that much about ourselves, huh? (Engadget)


    I really hope Elon Musk is lying about sticking Neuralink in an actual human. (Ars Technica)


    Are we at risk of another major entertainment industry strike this year? IATSE and Teamster Talks Will Open With Focus on Pension and Health Plans (Variety)

    In an unusual move, all of the “below the line” guilds — IATSE, the Teamsters and the other “Basic Crafts” unions — will join forces to collectively bargain on health and pension issues for the first week of talks in March, the unions announced Wednesday. […] Both contracts are set to expire on July 31. The unions have said that, unlike in previous years, they are not inclined to grant extensions. Bargaining with the major studios is expected to be contentious, though both sides took a significant hit last year.


    I’ve been watching Will Ferrell shop around a documentary about a road trip with his friend, who is a comedian and a transgender woman. Netflix picked it up. Yay! (Variety)


    The VFX team reporting to James Cameron on the Avatar movies has voted to unionize. Good luck comrades! (Engadget) If you have to make 2020s Sigourney Weaver into a blue teenage catgirl for a billionaire’s satisfaction, I hope you get paid well for it.


    Reportedly, Justin Timberlake hates how Britney Spears’s older music keep beating his new music on the charts, and I just love it for him. lmao. (Page Six)


    I am genuinely upset about this one. Google Search is getting rid of its cached page feature. (Engadget) It’s one of the most useful features that still has me coming back to Google. With this gone, I don’t know why I’d use this search engine anymore, period. Weird to live long enough to see the “don’t be evil” company become the villain and then become too shitty to even be worth such a word.

  • Diaries,  facebook

    Imbolc awakenings

    Posted 1/27/24 at 9pm.

    Day One of my new weed-free life went well. I pined for my vape several times but got over it quickly. I have no appetite, I still felt stoned all morning, and now I’m getting that weird empty feeling. That’s all fine.

    My weirdest symptom of withdrawing from cannabis: My gag reflex is back, and it’s more sensitive than I’ve ever experienced.

    I did not discover that by doing the thing you’re thinking about. But go ahead and think that I did, because it’s much funnier.

    Posted 1/28/24 at 8am.

    My vet told us that if you see a pitbull with a docked tail, it’s not a breed standard, but a sign the pitbull injured its tail wagging too hard and it couldn’t heal because the pibby wouldn’t stop wagging, so they dock for safety. Literally pibbies are such happy dorks they wag their tails off.

    Posted 1/28/24 at 4:30pm.

    I think it’s really funny how I excuse drawing mostly women by saying “I’m not as good at men,” but I was just looking through all the 3D assets I’ve acquired and…it’s almost entirely hot girl stuff. lmao. I should be honest with myself that I just like looking at hot girls and that’s that.

    I haven’t done art commissions in a long time but I took on a Very Special Project for a friend of a friend, which has me going back into 3D. I have so much stuff. I forgot I actually know how to do this. I was getting pretty good at rigging and lighting scenes and stuff.

    I guess I wonder…how do people kinda…keep track of all the skills at their disposal as they age? I’m in my mid-30s and I’ve been obsessively following interests all over the show so long, I am getting to a point where I forget how much I know.

    Like…I used to know enough about fitness to pass a physical trainer test. Before that, I knew a *lot* about being a doula and lay midwife. I used to volunteer in women’s health counseling. I have learned crochet. I cartoon, I draw charcoal, I do 3D modeling and layout, a tiny bit of digital painting. I’ve got bits of some programming languages. Very technical with computers, even worked with mainframes in the past. Did facilities & maintenance a couple years. I still launch a new website every year or so. A construction class once. Lots of biology and botany! I’m a writer obviously. I can write very diverse styles and formats. I’ve researched tons of bizarre stuff like poisons, history, demonology, trauma care, etc. And whatever else I’ve forgotten! Parenting stuff? Baby stuff? I could probably still give lectures on any of the above subjects.

    It seems like by the time you hit your 50s or 60s, you must just be utterly *pouring* experience out your ears. Doesn’t it get to be A Lot? HOW DO YOU DO THIS?

    I’ve always laughed at the Sherlock Holmes “attic mind” thing where he’s like, I just throw away the stuff I don’t need to remember anymore. Obviously that’s not how brains work. But I kinda think you gotta be able to throw this stuff out somehow.

    Otoh, this makes me look at all my older friends with enormous heart-eyes because I’m like, omg, you guys must feel this too yeah? You guys must have EVEN MORE THAN ME. I want to sit at everyone’s feet and listen to them tell me about the specific cool stuff they know.

    Posted 1/28/24 at 8pm.

    Day Two of my weed free life has me LAUGHING that I was so scared to quit because so far it is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING compared to nicotine, lmao. I guess they really aren’t kidding when they say that nic is the second (third?) most addicting substance in the world. Wow, man. I kinda wanna go back in time two yearsish to when I quit nic and give myself some hugs. That Was Some Shit All Right. How does ANYONE do that.

    Posted 1/30/24 at 10am. Bluesky.

    I do not like football or Taylor Swift, but I am very reluctantly amused to watch the NFL learn they’re small potatoes compared to a pop star and learn to take the knee for her influence on the media.

    Ever since I read this paper about how sports constructs gender – and put it together with the kind of cis womanhood that is constructed by Taylor Swift’s brand – I suddenly understood why my nonbinary ass finds the whole thing annoying, though she is demonstrably as skilled as any artist I follow.

    I’m like, “Everyone says if you don’t like tswift, you’re sexist, but I don’t think I am? Am I sexist?” and kinda sat in that a while. But no, it’s just my general inability to have any interest in binary gender and the commercialization of it as such. Same thing that bounces me off a lotta romance.

    Hey! I just scrolled past another post describing what’s wrong with me if I dislike a music artist. “If you have a negative reaction towards her as a person, it’s because our society still goes after successful women in a way that men avoid.” There is a lot of simultaneous right and wrongness going on.

    Aside from being unable to grasp personal taste, the number of posts I see that act like taylor swift is somehow subversive is…staggering. I assume that people who think she’s subversive are living in very oppressed regions/cultures tbh. I must be coming from such a wildly different perspective.

    Her fanbase is so hostile, I have tried to just mute/block everything related to her name on platforms where that’s possible so I can try to know as little as possible, and hence Not Be A Negative Nelly, but it feels like I’m being beaten over the head with a club by this pop culture moment.

    All that said, I like tswift more than I like the nfl, reluctantly, given that she is the kind of person who would date Matty Healy, but she has given many fewer young men major brain trauma than the NFL. So i’m like, go ahead, Taylor, eat them up.

    Posted 2/1/24 at 8am.

    The injection for King’s cancer has gone *really* well. He seemed to feel so crappy the first couple days. The tumor got all bulging and swollen and black and gross. I think the mast cells were releasing crap into his body as they died off, and the steroids/antihistamines/etc could only do so much. He was very low.

    Yesterday the last of the tumor fell off. It just shriveled into a black raisin and disappeared (I don’t need to know what King did with it, let’s pretend it fell off). Now there is a hole on his stomach. Just a big round clean circle leading straight to muscle. Sounds gross, I know, but it’s *extremely* clean, great margins, no signs of infection whatsoever, inflammation reducing. And basically the instant the last of the tumor-raisin fell off, his mood improved 20,000%. He’s cheerful again!

    The circle is already constricting so I suspect it won’t be long before the tissue closes up and then it will mostly be a memory. We’ll keep an eye for more tumors obviously. Hopefully we won’t have to do this a lot in the future, but right now it’s looking really really good.

    Posted 2/1/24 at 9pm.

    Okay y’all. I’m now six days from quitting cannabis. I still feel stoned most of the time.

    THC, the complex of psychoactive compounds in cannabis, binds to fat cells. I gained sixty pounds from the low point of my eating disorder (I was hospitalized January 2020) through the depression of the pandemic. That means I gained sixty pounds while absolutely *slamming* sources of THC. That means I have sixty pounds of adipose tissue stuffed with it. I’ve been doing daily walks, and once I start walking, my body releases a bunch and it’s like I’ve taken a massive bong rip. I’m stupid and kinda stumbly. (I’m avoiding driving for now.)

    Also, your body makes a ton of receptors to accept the flood of chemicals that THC provides. Once you stop adding new sources of THC, there’s all these empty receptors weeping for neurotransmitters. It’s going to take a while for my body to regulate receptors to the amount of chemicals I produce endogenously (and I’m probably producing less endogenously at this point too).

    So basically, I feel foggy and stoned all the time, but also completely bereft, like my brain cannot get any traction. Weirdly, I am not really fighting with cravings. I don’t feel any urge to relapse. My mood is mostly okay. But I also just…kinda…don’t exist. Mentally. I’m spending so much time standing/sitting around staring at nothing.

    This reinforces that I’ve done the right thing, tbh, and realizing what a commitment it is to regain sobriety/clear brain makes me just wanna never use it again. I mean, you really do gotta pay the piper eventually.

    It’s really nice to be sobering up (sometimes I feel awake) and realize how much I’ve grown up, though. My eating disorder is a *lot* of the reason that I got into alcoholism, nicotine, and overuse of cannabis. Getting my eating disorder under control is easily one of the best things that has happened to me in my life, period, end of subject. I used to live as an enemy and stranger to myself, and I’m now so fully inside my body, perfectly happy with it, genuinely grateful, and I just don’t have all those difficult feelings that I used to run away from anymore. Having food become a source of cope and comfort and bonding with family was massive. I think I’m probably going to lose weight from quitting cannabis because I don’t have the munchies 24/7 anymore and I don’t even think of it as a benefit? I’m happy to just let my body rearrange into whatever.

    I feel really good. Just. Also completely empty, unmotivated, and almost braindead. lmao. It makes it hard to feed/hydrate/exercise myself, and I am struggling to remember my prescriptions, and that part will make me feel crappy. But everything else is a big gray blanket of nothingness.

    I was hoping to finish writing Fated for Firelizards in February but at this point I’m not married to it, just because I’m even less verbal than usual and I think recovery needs to be a priority.

  • image credit: Paramount Pictures
    movie reviews

    Movie Review: Scream (1996) *****

    Scream is a slasher flick about a killer who taunts his victims over the phone (mostly about scary movies) before killing them. The final girl, Sidney, is still mourning the death of her mother the prior year; her life was disrupted by accusations, rumors, and reporters months before more killings began to strike. It’s a mix of genuine horror and intelligent satire of horror.

    I only recently began watching slashers, since I have a friend who is a horror scholar and she loves slashers. I had to get this meta framing on what slashers *do* in order to appreciate the movies. I’ve only ever been into supernatural horror, really – The Shining, 13 Ghosts, The Others – and I didn’t understand the appeal in watching normal people try to kill each other. My impression was one of meaningless gore and screaming.

    I’d argue that slasher horror is an experiential genre: the gore/screaming isn’t exactly *meaningless*, but most of what you get out of it is the excitement of a chase, and the social experience of watching it with friends. The meaning is punching your bro in the arm saying “omg omg omg” because it’s getting tense, throwing pillows at the screen when the heroine is stupid, and then being too scared to sleep with the lights on later.

    But there is actually a lot more going on with slasher movies, and Scream isn’t keeping any secrets about it. Scream is like a magician doing a trick while also explaining exactly how it’s done. Scream is so good at doing the trick, you can know what it’s doing and you still get the full exciting experience.

    The fact there’s a bigger cultural discussion about slasher movies “rules” and final girls in horror is thanks to Scream. Aside from the Ghostface Killer’s fascination with bringing up classic slasher cinema, like Halloween and Friday the 13th, we’ve also got a bunch of teenagers talking about horror movie tropes at a party near the end. This alone makes Scream an utterly seismic moment in pop culture: it didn’t *just* bring slashers back, and it isn’t *just* a good movie, but it consciously educated people on how movies should be done, creating whole generations of intelligent moviegoers like my lovely horror scholar friend.

    Wes Craven directed Scream, and he’s responsible for a lot horror classics: Nightmare on Elm Street, The Last House on the Left, The Hills Have Eyes, etc. It’s hard to imagine another director taking Kevin Williamson’s screenplay and turning it into such a success. IMDB trivia tells me slashers were considered dead at this point, so Scream was a risky proposition in the first place, and other directors considered for the project wanted to take it more like comedy. Wes Craven said “no way” and jumped feet-first into making it exactly as scary and splattery and sincere as any other flick.

    The comedy aspects arise on their own from extremely smart writing. When the movie teens watch Halloween at a party, they’re yelling “look behind you!” at Jamie Lee Curtis as the Ghostface Killer approaches from behind them. And then we have another layer because there is a reporter spying on them from outside, with her camera guy watching on a time delayed monitor, and the camera guy is yelling “look behind you!” because he sees the Ghostface Killer approaching the teens watching Halloween.

    It’s these kinds of moments that function as both meta commentary and as compelling sources of fear. You know exactly what it’s doing, yet you’re still excited as hell, the way that a toddler gets really excited about Daddy saying “ooh I’m gonna get you” and swiping with clawed hands. The rules of the game have been laid out on the table. Now it’s just time for us to play.

    Somehow the smart writing and sincere directing isn’t the only charm. The casting of Scream is a minor miracle of excellence. Apparently Matthew Lillard was cast sort of accidentally (he was accompanying a girlfriend on an audition when spotted) and his performance of a character with minimal backstory is an absolute riot. Skeet Ulrich is so cute and steamy, I’m betting most girls kinda didn’t care if he was a baddy. Watching Courtney Cox and David Arquette flirt with each other, knowing they were actually in love at the time, electrifies their entire subplot. I could give paragraphs to everyone: Neve Campbell, Drew Barrymore, Rose McGowan, even friggin Fonzie. There’s just so much charisma around every corner, the actors could have made a much worse script successful. Having a good script with this much charm in performance is almost TOO MUCH.

    Although I remain more interested in the supernatural, being who I am, this launched itself straight onto my favorite horror movies list as soon as I watched it. It’s sheer competency porn with a love of genre that shines out of every frame. It’s amazing when a culture-shifting blockbuster is as smart as it is deliciously fun. Dare I say that Scream was the 90s horror version of Barbie? I dare.

    (image credit: Paramount Pictures)

  • White text on a black background that reads "Rory's 2023: Music".

    Rory’s 2023: Music

    A sonic recap of 2023! I split my time between Apple Music, Spotify, and YouTube, and because I don’t have my YouTube history turned on, this is more a general glance at 2023 musical highlights than an complete reflection of all my stats. (I did work mostly from Spotify Wrapped and Apple Music Replay, though.)

    Note: Some artists, albums, and/or songs have special capitalization, spacing, or other flourishes that I ignored, mostly because I’d never post if I tried to get them all right. Sorry about that. I tried to get spellings, accents, pronouns, and all things most reflective of identity correct, though; let me know if I missed anything.

    General favorites

    1. Unreal Unearth by Hozier: My favorite new album of the year! I saw Hozier tour Wasteland, Baby! in 2019 because I really clicked with him in that era (and also because he played in town and that basically never happens for musicians I like, heh). Unreal Unearth specifically has a great combination of grand songs and smaller songs, although my favorites tend toward the former: “Eat Your Young”, “First Light”, “Who We Are”, and “Abstract (Psychopomp)”. “Eat Your Young” had one of my favorite music videos of the year, too.

    2. Woodkid: There’s a lot of songs to which I listened that I couldn’t name or even sing along with because I often spend time with Sara while she plays music videos. Luckily, when Woodkid appeared, I knew him already, both from an Assassin’s Creed Revelations trailer that’s basically forever imprinted on my brain and because “Run Boy Run” was everywhere around the same time. In 2023, I think the specific video that Sara had been watching was “Goliath”, but it also could have been “I Love You”. Either way, I dove in and realized that the singles from The Golden Age had connected videos (I love a consistent concept!) and also that the video for “Reactor” was weird and great. Then I made a playlist (which also included “Guns For Hire”, my top Woodkid song of the year), and the rest is history.

    Warning if you go to any of the Woodkid videos: a lot of people talk about processing personal grief in his comment section. (I have a theory some of this is AI because I’ve been seeing this kind of trend in more places, but that’s a whole other topic.)

    3. Calm albums: I’m far from the only person whose playlists reflect necessity nearly as much as my tastes. I have a section for when I need to amp up (with specific ones for work and exercise), cool down (stress, sleep), seasonal purposes (mostly Halloween), and “I need to express whatever feelings are stuck” (this is largely why Hozier and Woodkid were so big this year). As far as new albums go, Andre 3000’s flute album New Blue Sun was an immediate hit for me when I felt like I was at my limit. Massive Attack’s Mezzanine is a long-established classic for this use, too. No particular songs are standouts for me; go listen to the entirety of both, if that sounds interesting.

    4. K-Pop, featuring Ateez and Blackpink: I could point to a lot that happened in 2023 to change my idol K-Pop stance from “listen to a couple songs here and there but try to stay out of it otherwise” to “use basic curiosity to get more cultural context for the industry in Korea”, but one of the most obvious was Blackpink’s performance at Coachella. I try a lot of different music at Coachella, but they were the only ones to make a real presence on my top lists this year.

    Still, the real story was me randomly clicking with Ateez in December this year; they made enough of an impact at the last second that four of my top ten on Apple Music are Ateez songs, and even if I stopped listening this second, they would also probably have a notable presence on my 2024 playlist. It’s funny because I’m less into the songs themselves than I am their dancing and concept—one reason I’ve never done more than like a K-Pop song here and there is because most acts don’t fit my tastes sonically—but their songs are exactly the energy I need to get me through a shower.

    (Remember my amp-up playlists? Blackpink was my a big part of that playlist for spring-fall; Ateez took over in winter.)

    After I wrote the bulk of this post, but before I posted it, the 2024 Coachella lineup was announced, and Ateez is on it! Nice full-circle moment.

    Top Blackpink songs of the year include “How You Like That”, “Kill This Love”, and “Pink Venom”.

    Top Ateez songs of the year include “Guerilla”, “Bouncy (K-Hot Chilli Peppers)”, “Halazia”, “Wonderland”, and “Deja Vu”.

    5. Olivia Rodrigo: One of the nice things about getting older is that the trends of your youth tend to cycle back in a new (and often better) way. Olivia Rodrigo has a punk edge to her pop, and I love it. Her new album Guts had a lot of smart writing, and “Vampire” immediately made it onto my Halloween playlist because it’s exactly the kind of thing I want for it (either I want vibes or specific monster metaphors, and this has the latter). Top songs include “Vampire”, “Bad Idea Right?”, “Brutal”, and “All-American Bitch”.

    6. Janelle Monáe: One of my all-time favorites always! I saw them* opening for Bruno Mars when The Archandroid was her biggest release, and I saw them headline Dirty Computer when she was touring that album. I tend to prefer her more science-fiction vibes, but 2023’s The Age of Pleasure was perfectly sexy and queer. I could pick out a couple favorites from the album, but it’s short and feels like it’s meant to be listened to poolside, so just go listen to the entirety of The Age of Pleasure and bask in those summer vibes. (*More about her pronouns. I alternated usage here.)

    7. TikTok songs: One of the best ways to find new music these days is through TikTok, but trends will often bring back old favorites or older songs I missed, too! I keep a running playlist of all the songs that have been on there that stick out to me. Some of the top ones that appeared this year include “Kill Bill (Sped Up Version)” by SZA, “Back on 74” by Jungle, “Church” by T-Pain, “Make Your Own Kind of Music” by Cass Elliot, “Angeleyes” by ABBA, “Le Monde (from Talk To Me)” by Richard Carter.

    8. Evergreen rock favorites: Paramore and Fall Out Boy had new albums in 2023, and my playlists reflect these events accordingly, if not in the ways you’d think. Paramore is largely a singles band for me, so I added “This is Why” to my general Paramore playlist instead of really latching onto the album. I liked the new Fall Out Boy album as well, but it mostly reminded me how much more I liked Mania (I am one of possibly two fans who thinks this) and relistened to that a lot too.

    Top Paramore songs of the year include “All I Wanted”, “Misery Business”, “Ain’t It Fun”, “Still Into You”, “This is Why”, “Hard Times”, and “crushcrushcrush”.

    Top Fall Out Boy songs of the year on my lists include “Love From The Other Side”, “Heartbreak Feels So Good”, “Young and Menace”, “G.I.N.A.S.F.S.”, and also basically all of Folie à Deux. I think I listened to Mania mostly on YouTube, so exact stats are missing, but I listened a lot.

    Single song favorites

    1. “Bongos” by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion: Kicked off my amp-up playlist for a large chunk of the second half of the year. Between this and the classic “WAP”, I could listen to these two make music forever.

    2. “What Was I Made For?” by Billie Eilish: I was generally unimpressed by the Barbie movie and its larger musical contributions. I was even lukewarm on this song when I first heard it. But I saw the movie, and “What Was I Made For?” was the only thing that clicked for me. Highly rec the song and this Vanity Fair video where Billie Eilish and Finneas talk about writing it.

    3. “Keep Us Connected” from the Star Trek: Strange New Worlds musical episode: I was initially really into the SNW musical…for about a week, before I realized how much work it needed to fully work as a musical and as an episode. Still, “Keep Us Connected” is a beautiful song and Celia Rose Gooding kills it. It’s out of my range, but I try to caterwaul along regardless.

    4. “Hayloft II” by Mother Mother: I love the idea of a song sequel. In “Hayloft” (Nickel Creek’s bluegrass cover is my definitive version), a man discovers his daughter sleeping with a man in the hayloft and threatens him with a gun. In “Hayloft II”, the lover is dead and the daughter’s coming for revenge. Doing the bluegrass cover and then the rock sequel also gives things a sonic change in perspective, as well as lyrical. Killer.

    5. “3005” by Childish Gambino: Another being-in-Sara’s-orbit track. We spent the beginning of 2023 watching Community together, so a transition into Childish Gambino made sense, and “3005” is an interesting take on friendship and aging that’s also catchy as heck.

    6. “Black Sheep” by Brie Larson: I had a couple minor Scott Pilgrim moments throughout the course of the year, and I believe 2023 was the first time this specific cover of Metric’s song made it to Spotify. Either way, a bop.

    7. “Pulaski at Night” by Andrew Bird: This song, on a fanvid for the TV show The Bear, inspired me to make a playlist specifically of songs I like from fanvids. Big Chicago vibes.

    8. “All the Way to Reno (You’re Gonna Be a Star)” by R.E.M.: A couple years ago, “Everybody Hurts” was not only my biggest R.E.M. song of the year, but my biggest song of the year period. That “All the Way to Reno” won the first but not the second is a positive sign for my state of mind, I think.

    9. “Grapevine Fires” by Death Cab for Cutie: This is an old favorite that comes back into rotation regularly, often when it’s a bad year for wildfires and smoke. 2023 wasn’t bad in my geographic area, thankfully, but this is also just a good song.

    10. “The Loneliest Time” (feat. Rufus Wainwright) by Carly Rae Jepsen: Do I need to explain that Carly Rae Jepsen makes bops? Probably not. Rufus Wainwright was a big artist for my early 20s, so the combination was really good for me.

  • Image source: Orion Pictures Corporation
    movie reviews

    Movie Review: Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (1989) ****

    Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure is a movie where future-America, seven hundred years from now, is a utopia thanks to the transcendent rock music of a band called Wyld Stallyns. Unfortunately, the members of the band were extremely stupid teenagers, and they will not get to form Wyld Stallyns if they don’t pass high school. George Carlin is sent back in time to give them a time-traveling phone booth so they can give a report that will please their teachers.

    I rewatched this with my 13yo Eldest, whose favorite movie is Back to the Future. Their review was, “I knew it was going to be one of the movies of all time (sic) when Napoleon went down a waterslide.” Too true, offspring. Too true.

    It’s probably good I watched this with my kiddo because I had to play it cool. Otherwise I would have spent the entire time *screaming* over how cute Keanu Reeves and Alex Winters were. It truly feels like these two young lads were just kind of tossed around a movie set so they could react to things with wide-eyed earnestness, dropping many a “whoaaa” and “far out!” The pairing of their clueless-stoner voices with their sometimes loquacious vocabulary is probably (sincerely) the basis for how I talk: extremely casually, like a total idiot, with multisyllabic words thrown in simply because I know them. It’s extremely adorable coming out of these babyfaces. (The jury is out on having it come from a middle aged mother.)

    The titular characters speak half their lines simultaneously. It’s just so cute – these boys clearly only share a single brain cell between them, and that lonely braincell is overclocked. Charmingly, I’m not sure any of the historical figures they grabbed have extra brain cells to share. They are deeply underwritten in a way that feels totally unimportant. It’s just a total frivolous delight.

    I actually didn’t realize this feels like a pretty straightforward kids’ movie until this watch. The realization came around the time we time travel to the Wild West and are treated to fart sounds in an outhouse. In order to keep the plot moving, everyone in all time periods are casual about the weird events unfolding, so characterization always plays second fiddle to concept, and the shallowness feels like part of its appeal.

    The extremely “history lite” version of the world is wholly appropriate as a platform for merely introducing various historical figures. I didn’t realize, for instance, that my child (who is well-versed in Napoleonic history) had yet to hear of Joan of Arc, so having to look up an article to explain exactly what she did counts as homeschooling. But if you already have the 101 on historical figures, you can just enjoy the way the script puns about what each of them might do when unleashed in a 1988 California shopping mall.

    Of course this movie still has to be weird and gross about someone’s mom. It’s not as incesty as BTTF, but Bill’s dad married a woman who’s only three years older than his own son, and her hotness/Bill’s attraction comes up repeatedly. This is also why I had to explain what an Oedipal complex is to my 13yo, and I’m not grateful to the 80s for that one. Homeschooling doesn’t need to cover all subject matter.

    The time travel is given exactly the rigor it needs, which is to say, none at all. Where Back to the Future delights in the science fiction questions raised by time travel, Bill & Ted is just here to have simple fun. I’m not even offended when these two dumdums call each other fags for hugging. They call each other fags at the exact same time, doing the thing where they speak their lines together, and it’s the faggotiest thing I’ve ever seen. Of course these sweet babies are in denial. How could I even be offended. I wanna pinch em.


    It was really interesting coming back to Bill & Ted on the same day that I watched The Breakfast Club. Both movies feel like they came out of the drug cultures of the 80s, but The Breakfast Club feels like the bitter memories of someone crashing off a coke high, whereas Bill & Ted feels like a grownup stoner imagining how much easier high school would have been if Sigmund Frood Dood could have given him therapy for his final grade. Yet it also touches on that authoritarian rift between parents and kids that we also saw in TBC.

    Worth noting that Ted “Theodore” Logan’s rift with his father is central to his character, yet he remains a joyful weirdo who wants to play lightsabers with medieval swords while time traveling, a rescuer of princesses, and a supportive friend. If we want to read the creators’ narrative/tonal choices as a reflection of their values, then I might observe not everyone reacted to the ultra-authoritarianism with anger and violence: some embraced cheery absurdity instead.

    It’s kinda thinking too much to even broach this subject with Bill & Ted. I mean, this is truly the movie of all time. Napoleon really does go down a waterslide (at a park called Waterloo, no less). They’re not aspiring for anywhere near the same level of humanity as John Hughes’s work. Tonally and stylistically, they’re completely different. But I think you can kinda get a sense of life of teens in the 80s in the places that the venn diagram of these movies overlap, which makes them a fascinating double feature.

    (Image source: Orion Pictures Corporation)

  • movie image credit: Universal Pictures
    movie reviews

    Movie Review: The Breakfast Club (1985) ***

    The Breakfast Club is a legendary culture moment for Gen X about growing up. Five teenagers have detention at school on a Saturday, and the long, boring time in the library helps kids across cliques and caste realize they’re all fundamentally human.

    I was born ‘88; this takes place in ‘84; this was not part of my personal canon growing up. I’ve seen it before though, just not in a while. These days I usually watch older movies and think, “Wow, everyone looks so young.” Everyone in The Breakfast Club somehow still looks exactly my mom’s age. I think it’s because this is such an anachronistic movie: beyond the music and fashion, the exact dynamic expressed between generations is distinct to Gen X.

    I expected the story to be more timeless. If you boil it down to the core message — one where People Are People, and Growing Up Is Hard — that feels extremely timeless. Yet the way that the people interact feels distinct to its time.

    We’ve spent decades growing away from the sort of social attitudes that made open mockery of weird, naive, earnest, or *anyone* culturally acceptable. Relentless bullying from Bender against his fellow students gets groans and eye-rolls, even when he pulls a switch blade–that’s how commonplace it seems. One kid is found with a gun in his locker and sent to detention instead of help. Violence is both explicit and verbal. Also, there is no communication between these children that is not hyper-aware of their position in society and prioritizes that before anything else, so accepting other people as human must be their primary development. They are still far away from a point where they might actually be able to build healthy relationships, and that’s so depressing.

    Further, the dynamic between Gen X and their parents is distinct. Older gens were extremely traumatized by the depression and great wars; they passed a lot of authoritarian junk onto their children out of fear. There was such a rift in trust between many parents/kids, and this haunts our protagonists. Remember how we judged Helicopter Parents? That was a lot of Gen X trying to figure out how to *actually* bond with their kids, because their parents expected them to pull themselves up by the bootstraps. Millennials, meanwhile, have coined “gentle parenting” and get judged for being too nice. I suspect we’re going to see a swing back into more trauma-influenced parenting trends through the 21st century, but I’m not sure the teen/parent dynamic will ever quite look the way it did in 1980s.

    Every character in The Breakfast Club feels vividly real–probably because they *are* so screwed up in such authentic ways. The personal-feeling nature of it — the fact I can only associate these characters/situations with people I actually know, who were not adults for me when I needed them — means I just feel uniformly bad encountering it. But that same very evocative personal nature is its charm for many fans.

    I can’t add anything about the Claire/Bender dynamic that wasn’t better described by Molly Ringwald in a thoughtful article reflecting on her time working with John Hughes. I feel pragmatic about the toxic masculinity of this era of cinema. Even before seeing Ringwald remark that Hughes took rejection like Bender did, I sensed the story is obviously a very personal one to Hughes, and the fact he can harass the girl thusly and get at her by the end is obviously fantasy fulfillment for the creator. This is true of quite a few movies. If someone is narratively rewarded for bad behavior, it’s usually fantasy fulfillment for the creator.

    Of course, one wants to sympathize with Bender/Hughes, especially if Bender’s story of abuse has any reflection from Hughes’s life. Men have learned throughout the generations that they can get sympathy despite bad behavior if they claim an abuse history. It’s human instinct to protect our fellow person. But loads of people are abused without turning into abusers, sexually assaulting girls, and pulling knives on classmates; likewise Hughes was more than grown enough to handle rejection without violent explosions.

    I don’t think anyone likes seeing Allison’s transformation at the end of the movie, nor do I find her HFN with Andy satisfying or compelling. We’ve seen too many transformation from “ugly” girls to “actually pretty” (whether or not the movie meant to say that) to take it as anything but policing aesthetics of femininity. I mean, the two of them are still better than Claire and Bender. I am willing to accept these things as an expression of the theme, though: In order to accept that people are just people, these kids had to realize that they can do and be all the same things as their peers. They can date anyone, dress any way they like, and be who they want. That’s a good message, even if it gets bogged down by grossness.

    After all, this movie is predominantly a fantasy for a successful white dude who wrote extremely offensive coked-out comedy (citation: Molly Ringwald’s article), and I just don’t think it’s reasonable to expect it to be anything else. It is what it is. It’s a microcosm of a generation that feels toxic as hell, but it was trying to heal. And when I take it from that direction, I can appreciate it, even if my urge to rewatch is going to be pretty low. All I can think is that the people who relate to this movie must have *really* needed it, and I’m comfortable setting it down as “not for me, not my time, but clearly a noteworthy part of cinema.”

    We are all screwed up in our ways, and Hughes allowed those people to be visible, to be heroic, to be *cool*. His work is fascinating, problematic, and nuanced, and The Breakfast Club is one of the problematic but also more iconic examples.

    (movie credit: Universal Pictures)

  • movie reviews

    Movie Review: Zoolander (2001)

    This movie has lived so long in my soul that I don’t need to watch it anymore, really. Zoolander may well be the origin of memes as far as I’m concerned. Infinitely quotable, both absurd and stacked with cameos, Zoolander arrived in my young life at a time where it basically branded itself on my gray matter.

    The version in my head, edited by the memories of a young teen, is kinda better than the actual movie. The jokes are so absurdly funny when you anticipate them and quote with them. “What is this, a school for ants? It needs to be at least…three times bigger than this.” “I’m not an ambi-turner.” “Orange mocha Frappuccino!” “I’ve got the black lung, pop. Cough. Cough.”

    I didn’t pick up on the bits that I wasn’t old enough to understand. The various sex stuff, whatever. But I completely forgot this movie has blackface in it. It’s the kind of “plausible deniability” blackface that white folks like to do. Zoolander makes himself up as a Black man for a disguise — which is initially really funny here because they cast a man who looks very different from Ben Stiller but does the facial expressions perfectly — and then wipes off some of the makeup to turn back into Ben Stiller.

    But only some of the makeup is removed and much of his skin remains painted dark-brown while he begins acting like one of the primates from the beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey. The brown skin coloring is left in a way to make him look more like a monkey. When I was young, it never registered. These seemed to be two distinct unrelated jokes.

    There was also plausible deniability for Ben Stiller’s use of blackface in his movie Tropic Thunder. One thinks maybe Ben Stiller just thinks blackface is funny.

    I’m now old enough to hear the racist dog whistles, and uh, bark bark bark.

    It kinda ruins the whole thing for me? I have this petty thing where I think white people trying to wink-nudge about blackface means they’re actually garbage humans telling on themselves. Tina Fey, looking at you. They’ll talk about how “humor has changed” and you “can’t do that anymore” like it was *ever* okay. It is not. It was not. What changes is how safe and common it is to call out the racism.

    This point occurs near the end of the movie, shortly before the climactic fashion show. There is other humor that is edgy and inappropriate but still so funny—like the bulimia joke *kills* even more now that I have recovered from an eating disorder. “You can read minds?”—but blackface is a world apart in violence. This kind of thing makes me so cynical.

    Also, trigger warning for Donald Trump jumpscares.

    I want to comment on everything else I love about it. David Duchovny as a hand model. The entire performance by Milla Jovovich. Billy Zane shows up to have Zoolander’s back. A young Lightning McQueen is pretty adorable as Hansel—kachow! wowww! The central romantic couple is played by an IRL married couple and I’m SUCH a sucker for it. Plus, addressing the exploited labor in the fashion industry is (unfortunately) timeless in its relevancy. I completely understand how Zoolander transformed my brain. But…I don’t think I really want it in my rewatch rotation and it’s lost its stance as a benign comedy in my head.

    Ben Stiller has always had a good ear for such goofy stylized comedy. He’s also really good at leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I guess that’s the stuff you can get away with when you have so many extremely famous friends like Billy Zane.

    As with George of the Jungle, where I am left feeling bereft by a childhood influence that is not aging well, I elect not to rate this movie in my review.