In brief, some links; eyes open for goat pics

I do most of the haircuts in the family, which is generally fine, but catching me In The Mood is sometimes a challenge (I struggle to put down projects when I’m working on them; try to catch me in between crocheted cat toys??).

So my spouse will also do some haircutting. Usually he’ll start on himself or the kids, and I’ll come in to clean it up after. Yesterday he cut his bangs, and it was a little long/sloppy which seemed unusual for him, but I promised to redo his hair this morning.

So this morning comes, I’m trimming his hair, and I start saying, “It’s weird how many random skills I have. I don’t even give myself credit for cutting hair but I’ve been doing it for years.”
While I’m saying this, I cut my hand open with the scissors. Bit a big-ass chunk out of them.
While I was cry-laughing with my hand in the sink (the comic timing was too good), my husband showed me his palm. Yesterday he, too, stopped cutting his hair because he bit a chunk out of his palm with the incorrect shears we were using. (Usually I am actually stocked with appropriate hair cutting supplies) That’s why he didn’t get very far.

Now the two of us have very sore hands and matching bandages and I love my disaster husband. I feel so much less stupid when both of us did the same stupid thing. Both of us should have known not to use the wrong shears. We did it anyway. Matching bandaids. VERY cute. Anyway. Have a great Thursday! lmao


Yesterday I wrote a blog talking about the importance of rest, and then I wrote and posted three movie reviews. Okay, but I drank a lot of black tea and my plants can’t drink black tea to perk up in the winter. (Wait…could they? Ooh.)

I’m not going to get too deep in commentary today; I’ll mostly list articles that I thought were interesting and relevant reads.


The rest of my links in this post are relatively lightweight, so I gotta put this one at the top, with apologies and trigger warnings. The Independent reports on the Democratic party perpetuating horrors against immigrants that will make it possible for Trump to hurt them even worse if he wins the election.

I have no idea how the hell I’m supposed to vote for the lesser of evils when the evil is just plain evil.


Congo is working on their own democracy. Voting day was Wednesday. Good luck, neighbors. (NPR)


Fast fashion is always bad for us; affordable fashion (with certain fibers) is bad too. Cheap cashmere destroys the environment and harms adorable goats. There are adorable goat pictures in this article. (NPR)


Wildfire ash has known carcinogens in it. We kinda knew this, but it’s really confirming how much we need to wear PPE during wildfire season. (NPR)


The sixth season of What We Do in the Shadows is the end. ( Nooooooo. I think it’s probably in a good narrative place for that, but I could watch these stupid trashbag vampires forever.


I’m really disturbed by how many parents want full control over their kids’ lives. BookRiot talks about how many parents wanna know what their kids are checking out at the library, among other things.

I have a good relationship with my kids, and I can’t imagine being all up in their business like that. I don’t need to be notified of what they’re reading. I ask them, they tell me (probably). But we’re not parents where the kids have to be afraid of getting in trouble for seeking “inappropriate” information.

I grew up in a family where I could get abused for checking out books my dad didn’t like, and I think we, societally, need to accept that a lotta kids are safer if they can just take care of their own needs. We’re trying to make kids safe with this. But. We can’t make kids have safe adults at home by notifying all the adults, you know?


A rising tide raises all ships, and this is true globally of the labor movement. Tesla is learning about labor rights in Sweden. (ABC News)

About 130 mechanics at 10 Tesla garages across Sweden walked off the job on Oct. 27 over the company’s refusal to sign a collective bargaining agreement. Tesla doesn’t have a factory in Sweden, but does have a network of service centers.

Since the mechanics with the powerful Swedish metalworkers’ union IF Metall went on strike, other workers around the country have joined in sympathy, withholding their services to pressure the company.


If you’re waiting for the technological marvel of Death’s Stranding to arrive on your iPhone, you’ll be waiting a minute longer. (Engadget) I know I’m a stupid apple cultist but the fact this app will be running only on iPhone 15+ does, in fact, mean I will be upgrading to the newest iPhone when I get around to it. As if I haven’t already played the goddamn game on my computer too.


If Taraji P. Henson can’t get respected, then what the fuck even is this industry about? (Variety)


This article about the loss of Greyhound infrastructure in America is grim. (CNN)


It’s a 2019 post, but I relate to this post from Being Charis about how her chronic disease makes her a lazy faker.


New York City Council votes to ban most instances of solitary confinement. (NPR) I want this practice gone entirely so this is good.


In Australia, Indigenous people are addressing the challenges of colonization and holding government to account. (AJE)


Variety notes that Celine Dion’s Stiff-Person Syndrome is advancing. 🙁


Vulture reports that Kesha is free of Doctor Luke!

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