Romancing the Vote 2024 was a big success!

I’ve participated in Romancing the Vote twice now. It’s an event where authors and romance fans get together to raise money for American voting initiatives. Previously I offered a manuscript critique; this time around, I’ll be performing Zoom tarot readings for some generous donors.

The mission statement for RtV:

We are romance authors, readers, and fans who care about the future of this country and are inspired by fellow romance author Stacey Abrams to do what we can to preserve the right to vote. Democracy only thrives when every vote can be cast and counted, and we are fighting to help dismantle the legacy of voter suppression both in Georgia and across the country. All funds raised through our project will go to voting organizations. (In 2024: Fair Fight and VoteRiders)

It’s really exciting to see how much we’ve collectively raised. I only play a small part compared to the exhausting work of the volunteers who make it happen, but I still feel so proud to know that I have helped Romancing the Vote reach a million dollars+ in donations. It’s a really substantial effort that makes a tangible shift in voter access. (Click the image below to go through to a screen reader-friendly original post.

This post from Her Hands, My Hands is a good recap of this year’s financial accomplishments…so far.

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